The following bugs were solved, some new features were added: - Restored the on-screen digitizer (create and edit point map, create and edit segment map) - Restored the MapView functionality (the composition of several layers can be stored as a MapView, in order to be re-opened at a later time) - Added support for grid-like georeferences with thousands of control points; for now, such a georeference can only be imported from external data - Revision of the annotations to make them work correctly: grid, graticule, class legend, value legend, map border, scale bar, north arrow, whitespace tool - Added Triple Collocation application - Revised the Georeference Tiepoints editor - Revised the Hovmoller, Track Profile and Cross Section tools - Revised the animations and the Animation Management tool - The mouse wheel now zooms in / out the MapWindow; if the previous behavior is required, this can be set in the ILWIS Preferences - Improved robustness and correctness of CSV file importing - A maplist can now be exported as multiband GeoTiff, ERDAS or ENVI format - Added a spatial index to speed up selection in feature maps (segments, polygons) - Added light options to 3D Extrusion - In 3D view, objects are no longer disappearing when zooming in too much - In 3D view, polygons no longer blend with each other when they are too near - Restored the 3D cursor in the 3D Stack tool - In 3D view, when zooming close, the rotation point changes to the viewpoint instead of the gravity center, which makes navigation easier - Pixel size of submap georefs of latlonwgs84 maps is now expressed in degrees (previously in meters) - Many consistency improvements in the Create GeoReference forms - Pixelinfo can now be re-opened after it is closed - Now it is possible to change the line style for polygon boundaries and for segment maps - Restored the 3D self-height option in Maplist animation - GDAL-Importing a single file with a single layer no longer results in an object collection - Added "Lambert Conformal Conic 1972", "Lambert Conformal Conic 2008" and "Lambert Conformal Conic 1SP" - Now opening a MapList that is inside an ObjectCollection works - Enabled coloring Bool layers (previously the defaults could never be changed) - Importing data where the source and destination folders differ from the current catalog now works - When the display attribute of a pointmap/segmentmap/polygonmap is set to a column that has undefineds, now the undefined objects are hidden - In 3D view, after setting a map to use 3D-heights, it is now possible to set it back to "None" - Table import is now protected against duplicate column names - Added North Arrow - Export via GDAL (e.g. GTiff) in a folder with spaces now works properly - The DEM hydro processing functions are now able to work with raster images larger than 6000x6000 pixels, without giving "Out of Memory" errors - Edit->Copy on a MapWindow with a Legend now also copies the legend-texts - Added support for Edit->Copy on a MapWindow containing a Space Time Cube and related elements (Space Time Path, Stations, 3D Windrose and Flocks) - Choosing "black" as the symbol color for single colored maps now makes the symbols black instead of transparent - The order of the SEBS applications menu is now the working order, instead of alphabetic - The Table to Pointmap operation now gives correct values to the output map - Solved occasionally showing '*' instead of the projected coordinates in the statusbar of the MapWindow - In WMS/OSM services, added support for tiles with color palette, support for https, and support for additional request parameters - The WMS/OSM tiles now connect seamlessly, if the available OpenGL version is at least 1.2 - Revised the Iso-lines application; now all contour levels are generated, and the "intervals" option works - Solved: fonts (labels, annotations, space time cube axes and coordinates) did not display correctly on some graphics cards, looking transparent - Viewing a classmap or a class attribute and turning classes on/off through the representation legend now works properly - Revised the polygon to raster and the raster to polygon applications - Solved: The Unique ID application was forgetting the first point - The grid on curved images (using a tiepoint georeference set to "Full Second Order") is now drawn "curved" - Graticule spacing is now expressed in Degrees, Minutes, Seconds (instead of Decimal Degrees) - MapCalc now also works with images that are more than 32768 pixels wide; the limit is increased to 2 billion pixels wide(!) - Added the Random Colors option to the possible color schemes for class maps - Added option "Break Dependencies" on a "Dependent" Georeference like SubMap, which will replace it with a standalone Georeference Corners when possible - Restored the ilwis.exe option –CR to start ILWIS in hidden-mainwindow mode; to start it without a command, the option is "–CR hide"; this is different than the -C option which will execute the command and close ILWIS - Value images with very few values (e.g. 2 values) will now display with the correct colors - SegmentMapGlue is now able to correctly glue segment maps that have different coordinate systems - Importing tiff files with data type "unsigned integer" now works correctly (the range is 0-65535 instead of 0-32767) - Operations "Iso Lines", "Voronoi" and "Point to Segment" are now properly categorized in the Right-mouse-button menu - Wildcards are now allowed in command "crmaplist", for easier creation of maplists on the command-line - It is now possible to use an attribute of domain "Color" to color a layer - The Aggregate Maplist application is now also able to work with large maplists (previously it crashed after a certain threshold) - Re-added the operations MapKrigingSimple, MapKrigingOrdinary, MapKrigingAnisotropic and MapKrigingUniversal - The export of Color images into GeoTiff via the ILWIS export method is made faster - The default color for single colored maps can now be set in the ILWIS Preferences - Added more representations for value maps - Many other minor bugs and glitches are solved Bas Retsios 2020-01-16