Changes: 20200210: Correction of Hovmoller diagram being upside down. 20200311: Correction of "crmaplist", which didn't create good maplists when maps are listed on the commandline (without a wildcard). 20200316: Added projection "Geostationary Satellite Goes" 20200507: Solved Geonetcast Toolbox minimize button not working Solved Geonetcast Toolbox rename Cancel button to Close Solved Hydroflow application "Flow Path Longitudinal Profile" (tblFlowPathLongitudinalProfile) missing Solved Help->Search not working 20200605: A script that performs an import with the “open” command not waits for completion before moving to the next statement Now Ilwis.exe -C open for importing a TIF file works Ilwis.exe -C run also works Restored reading old ILWIS 2 segment files (was giving error message “Corrupt or not supported type of Segment Map”) Restored reading old ILWIS 2 polygon files (was giving error message “This binary version( Format 2.0) of the data file(s) is not supported”) Correctly read ILWIS 3.31 Academic polygon files. Previously the opened file would have overlapping polygons or missing polygons or “shortcut” vertices because the topologies were not interpreted correctly. PolygonToRaster no longer rasterizes deleted polygons that are on-top of valid polygons Copying or deleting a polygon file now properly copy/deletes its mpz# and tri# files The "info" popup of a classmap (when clicking on the map with the mouse) now shows classname + classcode when available (instead of only classname), just as in IL:WIS 3.31 Academic Restored the command openastbl (alias of showastbl, showastable and openastable) Gdal Use-as import: prevent NAN and INF values from propagating to ILWIS; convert them beforehand to UNDEF Opening a maplist as a colorcomposite now displays correct colors (the minmax computation is ensured) Import via GDAL (raster or vector) now auto-detects more ellipsoids/datums 20200623: Solved "Data still in use" message when having enabled the histogram option in the MapWindow. Made CrossSectionTool, HovmöllerTool and TrackProfileTool resizable (Credits: Lichun Wang). CrossSectionTool would show a bad y-axis range on the graph for some maplists. CrossSectionTool would crash when removing lines (data sources) from the table. CrossSectionTool would occasionally crash when adding maplists with very few bands. 20200630: Added legend for RGB Color Composites and Color maps. This is a triangular customizable legend. 20200907: Included the SMAC coefficient files in ILWIS; the SMAC form will now find them immediately, without letting the user browse his harddisk first. Added Help button for SMAC, added SMAC Help text in the ILWIS Help system (largely taken over from SMAC4ILWIS and SEBS4ILWIS). Improved the texts in the SMAC user-interface. 20201116: The error values in the Triple Collocation application are no longer negative. 20210622: Displaying maplists as a Color Composite would display wronly when there are undefined values (black or white rectangles) Restore the functionality of drawing rastermaps with Domain Picture. Allow creating MapLists and ObjectCollections of Domain Picture maps, for animation and for Open As Layer. Importing raster images with palette up to 256 colors will now be properly imported to use Domain Picture. MapGlue will now properly auto-compute an encapsulating output georeference when requested to do so. MapGlue with Georeference Tiepoins inputmaps will now compute correct coordinates for the output (no longer overlapping tiles). Added support for OpenStreetMap-like servers (TMS) that do not have a file-extension in the url. Restored the Pixel Editor (raster map editor). Now the options File->Create->Raster Map, and Edit on a raster layer work again. Restored the Sample Set Editor. Given a maplist with Domain Image, a sampleset can be created for subsequent use in supervised classification. 20210728: Solved problem whereby MapGlue on value maps would always produce output with precision 0.1. Now the most precise input map determines the precision. 20211015: Animation of MapLists and Object Collections now also works with WMS map sources. 20211103: WMS map sources now prefer PNG (instead of JPEG) and support transparency. Added support for EPSG 3857 (Pseudo Mercator) to WMS map sources. 20220204: The MapDistance form now allows selecting Value maps as the input. MapListGraph: added special plotting of NoData values (as it was in ILWIS 3.7.2). Solve "invisible" background map from tile-sources, which was introduced in the previous ILWIS version when transparency support was added for WMS. The MapWindow now takes the dimensions of a raster map from the map itself instead of its Georeference. This allows displaying raster images with a bad georeference, so that the user can see and solve the problem. The "Cross Section" tool was renamed to "Layer Profile". The function PNTCRD(,) now works properly again (it was not working since ILWIS 3.6). User-defined functions with Coord parameters are working properly again (not working since ILWIS 3.6). PseudoMercator can now created with File->Create->Coordinate System. The Time Profile Graph of the Space Time Cube was not redrawing when selection of the segment map changed. 20220311: Allow Import of ASCII Tables that have extended ascii characters (they were mis-classified as "binary" files) 20220407: Importing vector files through gdal now works correctly with extended ascii characters (they were unicode-encoded) 20221011: Prevent crash when opening corrupt tables or maps with corrupt attribute-tables. Prevent crash when navigating over a table for editing/filling data, and then clicking the white space at the end of the table.