ILWISPy for basic image processing

Notebook prepared by Ben Maathuis and Bas Retsios. ITC-University of Twente, Enschede. The Netherlands

Within this Notebook your are going to use ILWISPy in conjunction with a number of common used Python libraries, like Numpy and Matplotlib, which have already been introduced in the previous Notebook. Also use is made within this notebook of the Science-kit, a Python based library for machine learning.

As input, a Sentinel 2A image, retained in it's original SAFE format, containing only the spectral channels at 20 metres spatial resolution, is provided. The spectral channels will be directly retrieved from the zip file. The procedure will be identical if data would be downloaded by yourself from the Copernicus Open Access Hub (

A number of common used image processing routines will be demonstrated:

Before we start, first load the required libraries to run this Notebook. If there is a message after executing the cell below, ensure that you install, using the command from within your python folder 'python -m pip install ...package...', e.g. for the science kit: 'python -m pip install scikit-learn'.

Sample data available at: Unzip the file. Here it is assumed that the data folder '/Intro_RS_ILWISPy' is situated within the notebook folder! It is furthermore assumed that you have locally installed ILWIS386 for data visualization when data is written to disk.

Prerequisite: You have reviewed the notebook 'Intro_ILWISPy.ipynb', available at: Note that the files with postfix _result.html files show the processed results if the notebook would be executed.

Set your working directory

Note the ILWISPy version used

Import Sentinel 2A

Within this notebook you are going to look at a Sentinel Level 2A MSI satellite image from 20190925 over a portion the Gezira Irrigation Scheme, near Wad Medani, Sudan. The data is provided in the original SAFE format ( The Sentinel-2 image file comes with many bands at different resolutions (10m, 20m and 60m). Not all bands are available in all resolutions in this sample data set, bands at 10 and 60 meters spatial resolution have been removed, to reduce the data volume. The file structure has not been modified!

Sentinel 2 MSI Band Details


Extraction of spectral bands from a Sentinel-2 MSI image

The following code-cells will extract selected bands from the Sentinel-2, level 2A image file. In this exercise we have only provided bands B02, B03, B04, B05, B06, B07, B8A, B11, B12 and the Scene Classification (SCL) product, all at 20m resolution.

The filename of the Sentinel image must match the one in the next cell, without the .zip extension. Change the name if needed.

Open the Sentinel zipfile and extract some metadata. Note that it is not required to unzip the zipfile. Furthermore, in Python it is possible to process the file in memory.

Extract the selected bands from the Sentinel-2 data file. The spectral channels / bands in the datasets are imported using the ilwis.RasterCoverage() routine, check also the inline comments in the cell below.

Quick visualization of the imported data set

Here only the spectral channels are retrieved, not the scene classifier image. This layer will be used later. Data is imported using the function ILWIS Pixel-iterator funtion 'iter(rastercoverages)', which is called repeatedly by Python 'np.fromiter(iterator, datatype, length)', re-shaped to 2-D and transformed into a 3-D Numpy array. Check the inline comments in the cell below.

Now let's use the data as an ilwis raster coverage image stack

If you want to visualize the imported data using ILWIS 386, uncomment the line in the cell below and execute the cell. Open ILWIS 386, navigate to the data folder and display the maplist created as a color composite. Note that for appropriate visualization the data needs to be stretched, see also the 'vmin' and 'vmax' above.

Image enhancement

In the cells below we will show you how to conduct a linear contract stretch as well as some basic filtering operations. First we will inspect the metadata required to conduct an operation, here 'selection' is used as an example.

In the cell below a 'definition' is created, as retrieval of image statistics is required very often when new images are processed. The definition is executed in the cell further below.

As noted from the metadata description of 'selection' it can be applied for multiple purposes, now 'selection' is used to clip / extract a portion of the image to focus on our area of interest.

For the selected ILWIS raster bands apply a linear stretch using a cut-off thresholds at 0.5 % lower and upper limit, then convert to byte, using a precision of 1, this is followed by a conversion to a numpy array, so it can be visualized using the matplotlib function imshow().

Once the spectral bands are processed and converted to a Numpy array, we can create band combinations, allowing us to display the data as a color composite. Below two composites are created: a natural and false color composite. Review the MSI spectral channel table and note the spectral regions covered by each of these spectral bands and how they are combined to create the composite.

The option '%matplotlib notebook' allows some interaction, e.g. zooming, panning and in the lower right hand corner also the row/column location and map value is given. Check the colour composite image into more detail as well as the image values.

Above example shows the selection of individual bands, multiple bands can be selected as well and processing can be conducted on all selected layers using single statements. Code cell below is providing the same output but now in ILWIS format

Eventually write your results to disk and these can be visualized using ILWIS 386. To do this uncomment and execute the cell below.

Another common used image processing routine is filtering. Let's have a look at some filter routines.

Let's write the output to disk, use ILWIS 386 to check the data, e.g. display the output created using a 'Gray' Representation. Display the output of the filters created on top of each other and switch the top layer on and off to note the differences, display the output images using a 'Gray' Representation.

Vegetation and soils indices

Now let's create some common used indices

Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)

NDVI = ((NIR - Red)/(NIR + Red))

Let's write the output to disk, use ILWIS 386 to check the data, e.g. display the output created, inspect the histogram and check the data range and precision as given below

Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI)

SAVI = ((NIR - Red) / (NIR + Red + L)) x (1 + L)

Modified Normalized Difference Water Index (MNDWI)

From the sample data set the SWIR band (check band 11 or 12 from the table above) selected in the cell below corresponds to Band 12! You can change it to band 11

MNDWI = (Green - SWIR) / (Green + SWIR)

Sentinel 2A SCL

Having obtained some idea on the land cover it is time to inspect the Scene Classified Image. In the cell below only the last layer (9) is extracted, transformed into a numpy array and displayed using imshow.

Sentinel L2A_Scene_Classification_ID (SCL product) uses the following coding system:

Inspect the Scl layer

Reprojection and Resampling of the data

The input data might not be in the required projection and therefore requires resampling. Transform from UTM, here zone 36, to Lat-Lon. For a full listing of EPSG codes see:

Conduct the actual resampling

Check spectral signature and create a feature space plot

Example feature space

Below a feature space is plotted for different band combinations using the values for the points extracted above.

Preparing some of the processed results based on the sample data provided

Next to the spectral channels below also the indices calculated are going to be included in the final data set that is going to be used for some additonal image processing. The combined data set created is a 3-D Numpy array which is transformed into an ILWIS map list and used as input for the classification procedure.

Combine all numpy arrays into a numpy 3-D stack

Import the above created numpy image stack in ILWISPy

Unsupervised classification

Clustering or unsupervised classification is the process of grouping or aggregating the pixel values of an image into a certain number of natural classes (groups) based on statistical similarity.

Inspect the resulting map using ILWIS 386, the main issue will be how the given an appropriate name to each of the clusters. Eventually change the number of clusters and run the clustering operation again

Supervised Classification

As an example of a supervised classification the Box classifier is used below. For the area of interest a field survey was conducted at approximately the same time as the image was acquired. The following classes are used:

The field survey was used to prepare a map providing the training data required for supervised classification. This map is using the land cover labels as indicated above, note that the background area has been assigned to '0'

Image classification

Retrieve information of the classification operation

Provide additional information on the parameters required

Remove the 0 value (assigned as background) from sample map and assign it to 'no data', note that in the equation below the '?' represents 'no data'

Note the map list and sample set dimensions

Note the differences in values of the input map list data stack for the first 9 layers and the remaining 3 layers.

Perform the box classification, note the value used for the 'widen factor' - here 1 * STD of sample

Perform the box classification, note the value used for the 'widen factor' - here 2 * STD of sample

Perform the box classification, note the value used for the 'widen factor' - here 3 * STD of sample

Perform the minimum distance to mean (mindist) classification, note the value used for the 'threshold-distance' applied - here 1000. Note that here we use the initial raster data stack, without the 3 index maps! Why?

Perform the minimum distance to mean according to the Minimum Mahalanobis distance (minmahadist). For each feature vector, the Mahalanobis distances towards class means are calculated. This includes the calculation of the variance-covariance matrix V for each class

More classifiers will be added, as well as PCI transform routines, check the 'ilwis.operationMetaData('classification')' to see if there are newly added classification routines