----Polygon WKT coordinates for Subset----- POLYGON ((19.061834340155283 -33.955691701708375, 19.379564169402002 -33.96028594353146, 19.376352000158878 -34.12895277789442, 19.057993224051753 -34.124329459334305, 19.061834340155283 -33.955691701708375)) ------Expressions used in Band Math operators to create water indices:-------------- NDWI = (B3- B8)/(B3+ B8) MNDWI = (B3- B11)/(B3+ B11) MNDWI5 = (B8- B4)/(B8+ B4) AWEI = B2 + 2.5 * B3 - 1.5 * (B8+ B11) - 0.25* B12 -----Expression used to create water mask --------------- if (MNDWI >=0 or NDWI >=0 or MNDWI5 <=0 or AWEI >= 0) then 1 else 0