ITP V1.200 Level 1b Product as part of TanDEM-X CoSSC ------------------------------------------------------ Pre-operational products are distributed for test purposes only. Those products are provided "as is". No warranty of any kind given. Performance of pre-operational or simulated products may be different from operational TanDEM-X products. Content and format may be subject to change prior to the ground segments "Operational Readiness Review". For TanDEM-X product specifications refer to the relevant documentation distributed by the commercial and science service segments at the start of the TanDEM-X operational phase. General Limitations: -------------------- - Externally provided processing parameters (e.g. processing bandwidth or Hamming window coefficients in the IOCS Aux Product) may be altered while in the commissioning phase by IOCS. Pre-operational product performance characteristics may thus not represent the final operational products. - All datatakes are processed with the operational ITP in its nominal configuration using the external auxiliary data provided at time of processing. Calibration data not adjusted to the actual instrument data may lead to e.g. saturated images or other artefacts. - Product calibration is hence not applicable if the products are not explicitly flagged as "CALIBRATED".