NAVMAN 3450 GPS setup for ArcPad. Although ArcPad has the capablity to communicate with different types of GPS it is advised to use separate drivers (if available) for sleeve or CF card slot GPS units that cannot operate without the PDA. For the NAVMAN 3450 GPS the following driver is needed which can be obtained from NAVMAN GPS - Serial Driver 3.1.6 This application will make the communication possible between Arcpad and the GPS. It will set the communications port ans speed for the GPS. IMPORTANT is to set the right port and speed in the ArcPad tools menu. to find the current port you can run the GPSinfo application that comes with the driver. For the GPS 3450 receiver it will most likely be either com port 1 or 4. DO NOT loose hope when ArcPad refuses to communicate with the GPS especially on first acquisition of position data (cold start). In this phase the GPS could need up to 15 minutes for acquisition. It is advised to do this first acquisition when connected to a battery charger (net or car) as this will take up valuable battery power. As long as first acquisition is done within the hour and the geographical extent of the ArcPad data layer used this will give a fairly problemless and quick "hot" start in the field. REMEMBER to turn of the iPAQ as much as possible to save battery life. This configuration is not very suitable to "track" boundaries unless connected to external power. To use the tracklog function you are advised to use a GPS that has its own battery power supply. USING the 3450 in the field gives best signal performance when the initial fix is done in an unobstructed view. As soon as a 3D fix is obtained the unit will be able to maintain signal under less favourable condition as long as the unit is NOT switched off. Regaining a 3D fix with an obstructed view (canopy cover) is either not possible or very time (and battery life) consuming. for more info: Jeroen Verplanke much technical information is also available through internet (just use your search engine) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **** NAVMAN GPS - Serial Driver 3.1.6 **** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The following document outlines the installation of the NAVMAN serial driver for the NAVMAN GPS receiver with CompactFlash(TM) slot (Type 1 and 2) for the HP/Compaq iPAQ(TM) Pocket PC. NAVMAN Serial Driver Requirements ----------------------------------------------- The following iPAQ(TM) models are supported: - H3600, H3700, H3800, H3900, H5400 and H5500. (Note: Not the H3100 series) Installation Instructions ----------------------------- Please follow the instructions below to automatically install the NAVMAN serial driver onto your iPAQ™ Pocket PC. 1. Remove the NAVMAN GPS jacket from the iPAQ Pocket PC. 2. Software reset the iPAQ and then place it back in the ActiveSync cradle. (To software reset the iPAQ push the stylus in the hole on the bottom right hand side of the IPAQ). 3. Before you continue, please look through the following instructions. 4. Press ‘Next’ to view the End User License Agreement and then ‘Yes’ to accept them which continues installing this software. 5. ActiveSync will then automatically run and install onto the iPAQ the NAVMAN serial driver version 3.1.6 and the GPS application GPSInfo. 6. Once the installation process has been completed, remove the iPAQ from the cradle and software reset the iPAQ. 7. Slide the NAVMAN GPS jacket onto the iPAQ Pocket PC. The iPAQ is now ready to access data from the NAVMAN GPS. 8. Run GPSInfo from the Start Menu on your iPAQ. GPSInfo Software Application ------------------------------------- NAVMAN GPS also includes a GPS satellite measurement utility called ‘GPSInfo’ which is used for monitoring raw satellite and position information. GPSInfo displays the following simple satellite and position information: - Latitude - Longitude - Time - Number of satellites tracked - Fix Type - Minimum signal for satellites tracking - Average signal level for satellites tracked and used - Maximum signal for satellites tracking GPSInfo also displays the version of the NAVMAN serial driver installed, which serial driver is currently being used, and the version number of the GPSInfo application. The baud rate and COM port allocated are also displayed on the title bar. GPS Communication Settings ------------------------------------ The NAVMAN GPS serial driver is configured for: - Serial COM port: this is automatically allocated to the next available COM port each time the serial driver is started. - Baud rate: 57,600 bits per second. Note: the baud rate is fixed. If the COM port is opened at any other baud rate, the port will be overridden and opened at 57,600. - Data bits: 8 - Parity: none - Stop bits 1 Serial Messages: output and update rates --------------------------------------------------- The following messages are output in NMEA-0183 format (version 2.20): - GGA & RMC messages updated every 2 seconds - GSV & GSA messages updated every 4 seconds.