
Saves the current array as a .AGL file.

int aglSaveAsFile(
  pvoid array,
  int *filename


A pointer to an array either allocated by means of a call to aglAlloc, aglMalloc, or aglMallocEx, or added to the watch list by means of a call to aglStartWatch.

Either just the name of the file to be saved (not including the path) in the calling application's directory, or a complete path/filename combination to save the file in any other directory.

Return Value

Returns the value 0 if the call is successful; any other value indicates failure.


If your end users are likely to use the array again with Array Visualizer, use this function to save it. The users can run Array Viewer as a stand-alone program to display the array. aglSaveAsFile can be used with arrays created with aglAlloc.

See Also

aglAlloc, aglMalloc, aglShow, aglStartWatch