AxisAutoDetail Property

Gets or sets the value that determines whether the number of both large and small tick marks on the axes is to be handled automatically by Array Visualizer or explicitly by the use of other properties.


object.AxisAutoDetail [= value]


A Boolean expression that determines whether the management of tick marks is to be handled automatically by Array Visualizer. Valid values are TRUE (for automatic tick mark management) and FALSE (to let the XNumMajorTickMarks, XNumMinorTickMarks, YNumMajorTickMarks, YNumMinorTickMarks, ZNumMajorTickMarks, and ZNumMinorTickMarks properties determine the number of both large and small tick marks).

See Also

XNumMajorTickMarks, XNumMinorTickMarks, YNumMajorTickMarks, YNumMinorTickMarks, ZNumMajorTickMarks, ZNumMinorTickMarks