CamAzimuth Property

Gets or sets the positive or negative angle, in degrees, that describes the horizontal arc from line to another.


object.CamAzimuth [=angle]


A Float expression, with -180 < angle <= 180.


The CamAzimuth property is one of three properties (along with CamElevation and CamDistance) that determine the position of the camera, relative to the center of interest.

You can calculate the CamAzimuth property's value by measuring, in degrees, the counter-clockwise angle from one line to another. The starting line is the one in the x-y plane that is parallel to the x-axis and contains the projection of the COI onto the x-y plane. The ending line is the projection onto the x-y plane of the line between the camera and the COI. If the calculated angle is larger than 180°, then subtract 360° from it to place it into the -180° to 180° range, as required.

If the two lines are identical, then the values is either 0 or 180. If the camera is farther from the origin than the COI, then the value is 0. If the COI is farther from the origin, the value is 180.

Setting this property has an effect only when the CamViewType property is View3D.

See Also

CamDistance, CamElevation, CamViewType