CamElevation Property

Gets or sets the camera elevation angle, relative to the center of interest.


object.CamElevation [= angle]


A Float expression, with -90 < angle <= 90.


The CamElevation property is one of three properties (along with CamAzimuth and CamDistance) that determine the position of the camera relative to the center of interest.

It is based on the angle, in degrees, of the line from the COI to the camera, as measured with respect to the x-y plane. If the camera is higher than the COI, then CamElevation is the angle measured. If the measurement is downward, then CamElevation is the negative of the angle measured.

Setting this property has an effect only when the CamViewType property is View3D.

See Also

CamAzimuth, CamDistance, CamViewType