New features added to Compaq Array Visualizer (Array Visualizer) Version 1.5 and 1.5A (since
Array Visualizer Version 1.1) and its free viewer Array Viewer
include the following:
- The Array Viewer now has a File menu option to load a data file
from an Internet URL.
- Changes have been made to the Avis2D and
AvisGrid ActiveX controls to
enable them to be used inside HTML pages.
- A resource leak in Array Viewer that occurred on Windows 95 and 98
systems has been fixed.
- The Array Viewer (and Avis2D ActiveX
control) now use software based OpenGL rendering as the default.
Compaq has found that many graphics adapters do not support OpenGL correctly,
resulting in rendering artifacts or crashes. If your adapter does support OpenGL
acceleration and is reliable, you can enable it by checking the
Checkbox in the Array Viewer Options dialog and restarting
Array Viewer.
- Printing from Array Viewer has been improved.
- Axis tickmark labels now always have fixed increments.
- HDF release 4.1r3 is now used by Array Viewer to display
HDF files.
- The graph view in Array Viewer (and the Avis2D control) now
changes the cursor to indicate when the view is being changed.
- The Array Viewer Options dialog, now has a checkbox that can be used to turn
off OpenGL hardware acceleration and use the generic GDI OpenGL drivers
- COMINITIALIZE is no longer required for QuickWin programs that
use the AView library.
- The Palette Editor now allows spline curves to be used when
editing palette colors.
- Height Plot graphs now use 1D textures by default.
- Barchart style for Height Plot graphs has been enhanced and
a problem with printing has been fixed.
- Logical and Complex arrays can now be viewed with Array Viewer
from the Visual Fortran debugger and can also used as arguments
to faglStartWatch, faglShow, etc.
- The HDF libraries are no longer provided on the Array Visualizer
CD. The latest version of the HDF libraries can be downloaded
- A problem in the 1.1 release prevented Vector Graphs from being
displayed as a series of connected line segments. This was
fixed in 1.1A. Use the Vector Graph Settings dialog in Array
Viewer to switch between point style and line style.
- In the Array Viewer Settings menu, the ROI Settings dialog now allows
values greater than 64K.
- There are new Array Visualizer sample programs (see
file in
Program Files\ArrayVisualizer\Samples
) as well
as improvements to the Array Viewer online help (Array Viewer
Help menu) and online Array Visualizer HTML Help documentation.
- For additional details, see the online release notes (
installed in Program Files\ArrayVisualizer