API Calls for C++ Programmers: CAViewer Class Routines

C++ programmers can use the following API calls (CAViewer Class routines) to control the appearance of the Array Viewer window and the user-interaction of the Array Viewer in their applications. These routines are typically used in conjunction with one or more of the agl routines.

Objects of the CAViewer class are instances of the Array Viewer application. The methods of this class can be used to perform most of the same operations that are available through the viewer user interface.

Use this class to allow your program to control the appearance of the Array Viewer window and perform the actions that would otherwise be required of the user of the Array Viewer (or performed by the Avis2D ActiveX control). Also, if you have several arrays that you wish to view sequentially; it is more efficient to create one instance of the Viewer using the CAViewer class than by using repeated aglShow and aglClose calls. Once you've created the Viewer object, you can load data arrays as desired, with the CAViewer::SetArray method.

Samples of these routines are provided online in folders in  ...\ArrayVisualizer\Samples\C\, such as AXIScale2d, Mandel, and Pallette2D. Most Samples include a project workspace file, which allows you to open and build the project in the visual devlopment environment.

Samples are installed on the hard disk when a Complete installation of Array Visualizer is performed. You can copy Samples folders from the Array Visualizer CD-ROM to your hard disk.

The following table alphabetically lists the CAViewer Class routines:

CAViewer GetRowCol SetGraphStyle
GetAnnotation GetRowColDim SetGraphType
GetArray GetShading SetGridDensity
GetArrayName GetShowAxis SetHiddenLine
GetAxisAutoDetail GetShowDimLabels SetHighLight
GetAxisAutoScale GetShowGrid SetHomePosition
GetAxisLabel GetShowMarker SetImageFilter
GetAxisStyle GetShowPalette SetImageOrientation
GetCameraCoi GetTextureMode SetLineSmooth
GetCameraPosition GetUseAxisLabel SetModifiedFlag
GetCellEditEnabled GetUseColorPalette SetNumMajorTickmarks
GetCompIndex GetUseDefaultFormat SetNumMinorTickmarks
GetCustomPalette GetUseExp SetPaletteAutoAdjust
GetDataClamp GetUseHex SetPaletteId
GetDataRefreshEnable GetXClamp SetPaletteRange
GetDataSelectEnable GetYClamp SetPrecision
GetDefaultFormat GetZClamp SetRoi
GetDepthcue GetZScale SetRoi2D
GetDimName IsVisible SetRowCol
GetDimScale SetAnnotation SetRowColDim
GetErrorNo SetArray SetShading
GetFieldWidth SetArrayName SetShowAxis
GetFileName SetAxisAutoDetail SetShowDimLabels
GetFixedAspect SetAxisAutoScale SetShowGrid
GetFontAutoScale SetAxisLabel SetShowMarker
GetGraphStyle SetAxisStyle SetShowPalette
GetGraphType SetCameraCoi SetTextureMode
GetGridDensity SetCameraPosition SetUseAxisLabel
GetHiddenLine SetCellEditEnabled SetUseColorPalette
GetHighLight SetCompIndex SetUseDefaultFormat
GetImageFilter SetCustomPalette SetUseExp
GetImageOrientation SetDataClamp SetUseHex
GetLineSmooth SetDataRefreshEnable SetXClamp
GetModifiedFlag SetDataSelectEnable SetYClamp
GetNumMajorTickmarks SetDepthcue SetZClamp
GetNumMinorTickmarks SetDimName SetZScale
GetPaletteId SetDimScale ShowWindow
GetPaletteRange SetFieldWidth ToHomePosition
GetPrecision SetFileName Update
GetRoiLb SetFixedAspect  
GetRoiUb SetFontAutoScale  

Samples are provided online in folders in  ...\ArrayVisualizer\Samples\C\. For a description of the Array Visualizer Samples, view the file ...\ArrayVisualizer\Samples\Samples.htm in a Web browser. Most Samples include a project workspace file, which allows you to open and build the project in the visual devlopment environment.

Samples are installed on the hard disk when a Complete installation is performed. You can copy Samples folders from the Array Visualizer CD-ROM to your hard disk (remove the read-only file property).