ColDim Property

Gets or sets the array dimension that will get mapped to the graph's columns.


object.ColDim [= dimension]


A Long expression that specifies the dimension to be mapped to the graph's columns (x-axis).


Note: You must call the Update method before any change to ColDim takes effect.

Both dimension numbers and array indexes begin with index 0.

For arrays of rank 3 or greater, the Avis2D control can only display graphs of a single 2D "slice" of the array. For these higher dimensionality data sets, you can use the ColDim and RowDim properties to control the direction of this slice and the SetRoiUB, and SetRoiLB methods to determine which particular slice of the dataset gets mapped to the graph.

See Also

SetRoiLB, SetRoiUB, RowDim, Update