API Calls for Fortran Programmers: fav Routines

Fortran programmers can use the following API calls (favxxx routines) to control the appearance of the Array Viewer window and the user-interaction of the Array Viewer in their applications. These routines are typically used in conjunction with one or more of the fagl routines.

The fav routines include the following groups:

The USE AVVIEWER statement includes the AVVIEWER module file that defines the routine interfaces and some parameter constants. For definitions of the parameter constants GraphType, GraphStyle, ImageOrientation, StandardPalettes, AV_TRUE, and AV_FALSE, view the file ...ArrayVisualizer\INCLUDE\AVVIEWER.F90.

Samples of these routines are provided online in folders in  ...\ArrayVisualizer\Samples\Fortran\, such as AXIScale2d, Mandel, and Pallette2D. Most Samples include a project workspace file, which allows you to open and build the project in the visual devlopment environment.

Samples are installed on the hard disk when a Complete installation of Array Visualizer is performed. You can copy Samples folders from the Array Visualizer CD-ROM to your hard disk.

Array Viewer Instance
Create an Array Viewer instance. favStartViewer
Terminate an Array Viewer instance. favEndViewer

Data Access
Loads and displays a specified file in Array Viewer. favSetFileName
Displays a specified array in Array Viewer. favSetArray

Region of Interest (ROI)
Sets the position number of the first and last elements in the region of interest (ROI) of the specified array dimension. favSetRoi
Gets the position number of the first element in the ROI of the specified dimension. favGetRoiLb
Gets the position number of the last element in the ROI of the specified dimension. favGetRoiUb
Sets the Row and Column dimensions. favSetRowColDim
Gets the Row and Column dimensions. favGetRowColDim
Sets the ROI within the current 2D array slice. favSetRoi2D

Data Filter
Determines whether the Graph View clamps data values that are outside the clamp range. favSetDataClamp
Determines whether the Graph View clamps data values that are outside the clamp range. favGetDataClamp
Sets the upper and lower bounds for X-Coordinate values in the Graph View. favSetXClamp
Gets the upper and lower bounds for X-Coordinate values in the Graph View. favGetXClamp
Sets the upper and lower bounds for Y-Coordinate values in the Graph View. favSetYClamp
Gets the upper and lower bounds for Y-Coordinate values in the Graph View. favGetYClamp
Sets the upper and lower bounds for Z-Coordinate values in the Graph View. favSetZClamp
Gets the upper and lower bounds for Z-Coordinate values in the Graph View. favGetZClamp
Enables or disables the Data|Refresh menu item. favSetDataRefreshEnable
Enables or disables the Data|Refresh menu item. favGetDataRefreshEnable
Forces Array Viewer to redraw its view to reflect any data changes since the last Update (or initial load). favUpdate

Creates a custom palette. favSetCustomPalette
Sets the color palette identifier. favSetPaletteId
Gets the color palette identifier. favGetPaletteId
Sets the range of data values with which the color palette will be associated with. favSetPaletteRange
Gets the range of data values with which the color palette will be associated with. favGetPaletteRange
Enables/Disables automatic adjustment of the palette range to the data range. favSetPaletteAutoAdjust
Enables/Disables use of color palette. favSetUseColorPalette
Gets the current setting of use color palette. favGetUseColorPalette
Enables or disables display of the color palette. favSetShowPalette
Gets the current setting of show color palette. favGetShowPalette

Graph Axis
Enables or disables Axis Auto Scaling. favSetAxisAutoScale
Gets the AxisAutoScale setting. favGetAxisAutoScale
Associates an axis dimension scale with a dimension. favSetDimScale
Displays or hides the graph axis. favSetShowAxis
Gets the show axis setting. favGetShowAxis
Sets the label to be displayed along the Graph View's axis. favSetAxisLabel
Gets the axis label of the given axis. favGetAxisLabel
Enables or disables display of Axis labels. favSetUseAxisLabel
Gets the current use axis label state for the given axis. favGetUseAxisLabel
Sets a value that determines whether the font size used in axis labels changes as the size of the graph view window changes, or is held fixed. favSetFontAutoScale
Gets the current FontAutoScale state. favGetFontAutoScale
Sets the current axis style. favSetAxisStyle
Gets the current axis style. favGetAxisStyle
Determines whether the number of both large and small tick marks on the axes is to be handled automatically by Array Visualizer or explicitly. favSetAxisAutoDetail
Gets the current AxisAutoDetail state. favGetAxisAutoDetail
Sets the number of large tickmarks displayed along the indicated axis. favSetNumMajorTickmarks
Gets the number of large tickmarks for the desired axis. favGetNumMajorTickmarks
Sets the number of small tickmarks for the desired axis. favSetNumMinorTickmarks
Gets the number of small tickmarks for the desired axis. favGetNumMinorTickmarks

Enables or disables data selection. favSetDataSelectEnable
Gets the data selection enable setting. favGetDataSelectEnable

Graph View
Sets the graph type (Height plot, Image map, Vector plot, or PlaneView). favSetGraphType
Gets the current graph type. favGetGraphType
Sets the graph style (mesh, surface, barchart, lines, or points). favSetGraphStyle
Gets the current graph style. favGetGraphStyle
Sets a value that determines how finely the grid is drawn on the graph surface. favSetGridDensity
Gets the grid density value. favGetGridDensity
Sets the depth cueing state. favSetDepthcue
Gets the depth cueing setting. favGetDepthcue
Sets a value that determines whether grid lines are displayed in the graph. favSetShowGrid
Gets the ShowGrid setting. favGetShowGrid
Enables or disables line smoothing. favSetLineSmooth
Gets the line smooth setting. favGetLineSmooth

Height Plot
Sets the height of the Z-axis relative to the X and Y axis. favSetZScale
Gets the ZScale value. favGetZScale
Enables or disables one-dimensional (1D) textured color mapping. favSetTextureMode
Gets the current texture mode state. favGetTextureMode
Sets the current shading state. favSetShading
Gets the current shading state. favGetShading
Sets the HighLighting state. favSetHighLight
Gets the current HighLighting state. favGetHighLight
Sets the HiddenLine state. favSetHiddenLine
Gets the current HiddenLine state. favGetHiddenLine

Image Map
Sets the Image Orientation setting (IDENTITY, XFLIP, YFLIP, XYFLIP). favSetImageOrientation
Gets the current Image Orientation setting. favGetImageOrientation
Sets the Fixed Aspect ration setting. favSetFixedAspect
Gets the current Fixed Aspect Ratio setting. favGetFixedAspect
Sets the Image Linear Filter setting. favSetImageFilter
Gets the current Image Linear Filter settings. favGetImageFilter

Vector Graph
Sets the component index values. favSetCompIndex
Gets the current component index values. favGetCompIndex

Data View
Sets the precision with which floating-point numbers should be displayed in the data view. favSetPrecision
Gets the current data view precision value. favGetPrecision
Enables or disables Cell Editing in the Data View window. favSetCellEditEnabled
Gets the current Cell Edit state. favGetCellEditEnabled
Gets the default field width and precision used for displaying data in the Data View window. favGetDefaultFormat
Sets a value that determines whether to display data in the Data View window using the default format. favSetUseDefaultFormat
Gets the current UseDefaultFormat state. favGetUseDefaultFormat
Associates a name with the given dimension. favSetDimName
Gets the name that's associated with the given dimension. favGetDimName
Sets a value that determines whether to display the column and row dimension labels in the Data View window. favSetShowDimLabels
Gets the current ShowDimLabels state. favGetShowDimLabels
Sets a value that determines whether to display integer data in hexadecimal or decimal format in the Data View window. favSetUseHex
Gets the current UseHex state. favGetUseHex
Sets a value that determines whether to display floating-point data in scientific notation in the Data View window. favSetUseExp
Gets the current UseExp state. favGetUseExp
Sets a value that determines the width allocated to display each data value in the Data View window. favSetFieldWidth
Gets the current field width in the Data View window. favGetFieldWidth

Sets the camera position. favSetCameraPosition
Gets the current camera position. favGetCameraPosition
Sets the camera center of interest (COI). favSetCameraCoi
Gets the current camera center of interest. favGetCameraCoi
Sets the current camera position as the home position. favSetHomePosition
Sets the camera position to be the home position. favToHomePosition

Sets the row/column position. favSetRowCol
Gets the current row/column position. favGetRowCol
Shows or hides the marker. favSetShowMarker
Gets the current show marker state. favGetShowMarker

Gets the error number. favGetErrorNo
Gets the modified flag. favGetModifiedFlag
Returns the Array Viewer visibility state. favIsVisible
Sets the annotation string. favSetAnnotation
Sets the string to be displayed on the Array Viewer title bar. favSetArrayName
Sets the modified flag. favSetModifiedFlag
Displays or hides the Array Viewer window. favShowWindow

The following table alphabetically lists the fav routines:

favEndViewer favGetShowDimLabels favSetGridDensity
favGetAxisAutoDetail favGetShowMarker favSetHiddenLine
favGetAxisAutoScale favGetShowGrid favSetHighLight
favGetAxisLabel favGetShowPalette favSetHomePosition
favGetAxisStyle favGetTextureMode favSetImageFilter
favGetCameraCoi favGetUseAxisLabel favSetImageOrientation
favGetCameraPosition favGetUseColorPalette favSetLineSmooth
favGetCellEditEnabled favGetUseDefaultFormat favSetModifiedFlag
favGetCompIndex favGetUseExp favSetNumMajorTickmarks
favGetDataClamp favGetUseHex favSetNumMinorTickmarks
favGetDataRefreshEnable favGetXClamp favSetPaletteAutoAdjust
favGetDataSelectEnable favGetYClamp favSetPaletteId
favGetDefaultFormat favGetZClamp favSetPaletteRange
favGetDepthcue favGetZScale favSetPrecision
favGetDimName favIsVisible favSetRoi
favGetErrorNo favSetAnnotation favSetRoi2D
favGetFieldWidth favSetArray favSetRowCol
favGetFixedAspect favSetArrayName favSetRowColDim
favGetFontAutoScale favSetAxisAutoDetail favSetShading
favGetGraphStyle favSetAxisAutoScale favSetShowAxis
favGetGraphType favSetAxisLabel favSetShowDimLabels
favGetGridDensity favSetAxisStyle favSetShowGrid
favGetHiddenLine favSetCameraCoi favSetShowMarker
favGetHighLight favSetCameraPosition favSetShowPalette
favGetImageFilter favSetCellEditEnabled favSetTextureMode
favGetImageOrientation favSetCompIndex favSetUseAxisLabel
favGetLineSmooth favSetCustomPalette favSetUseColorPalette
favGetModifiedFlag favSetDataClamp favSetUseDefaultFormat
favGetNumMajorTickmarks favSetDataRefreshEnable favSetUseExp
favGetNumMinorTickmarks favSetDataSelectEnable favSetUseHex
favGetPaletteId favSetDepthcue favSetXClamp
favGetPaletteRange favSetDimName favSetYClamp
favGetPrecision favSetDimScale favSetZClamp
favGetRoiLb favSetFieldWidth favSetZScale
favGetRoiUb favSetFileName favShowWindow
favGetRowCol favSetFixedAspect favStartViewer
favGetRowColDim favSetFontAutoScale favToHomePosition
favGetShading favSetGraphStyle favUpdate
favGetShowAxis favSetGraphType  

Samples are provided online in folders in  ...\ArrayVisualizer\Samples\Fortran\. For a description of the Array Visualizer Samples, view the file ...\ArrayVisualizer\Samples\Samples.htm in a Web browser. Most Samples include a project workspace file, which allows you to open and build the project in the visual devlopment environment.

Samples are installed on the hard disk when a Complete installation is performed. You can copy Samples folders from the Array Visualizer CD-ROM to your hard disk (remove the read-only file property).