FileName Property

Gets or sets the current data file.


object.FileName [= file]


A String expression whose value is a path to the data file.


When the FileName property points to a valid Array Viewer .AGL file and that file loads, the data in that file replaces any currently loaded data set.

The entire data set in the new file automatically becomes the region of interest. However, if the data set has more than three dimensions, then the data set consists of those array elements whose index is 0 for all dimensions after the third dimension.

Only AGL files can be used as FileName properties. The Avis2D control cannot read ascii, or HDF files.

In the Array Viewer application, when a dataset is saved to the AGL format, attribute data describing the current view state is appended to the file. However when the FileName property is set in the Avis2D control, only the array data values are read by the control. Attribute data (if any) contained in the file is ignored.

You can also set the FileName property to a string obtained by aglGetShareName or faglGetShareName. This allows the Avis2D control to display array data without saving the array to a file.

See Also

aglGetShareName, faglGetShareName