PaletteAutoAdjust Property

Gets or sets a value that determines how a graphs data values are mapped into colors.


object.PaletteAutoAdjust [= value]


A Boolean expression that, if TRUE, enables PaletteAutoAdjust, and, if FALSE, disables PaletteAutoAdjust.


When PaletteAutoAdjust is enabled, the minimum data value in the region of interest (ROI) maps to the bottom of the palette color range, and the maximum data value to the top. All other data values map to the color palette proportionally. When PaletteAutoAdjust is disabled, data values less than or equal to PaletteMinVal map to the bottom of the palette color range, and data values greater than or equal to PaletteMaxVal map to the top. Data values between PaletteMinVal and PaletteMaxVal map to the color palette proportionally.

Note that if the AxisAutoScale property is disabled, then data values are limited to the ZMinClamp to ZMaxClamp range.

See Also

AxisAutoScale, PaletteMaxVal, PaletteMinVal, ZMaxClamp, ZMinClamp