A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z



? (Help) button, 1


Acrobat Reader, 1

ActiveX control

Avis2D, 1

AvisGrid, 1


specifying, 1

Adobe Acrobat Reader, see Acrobat Reader1


defining procedures for

where to find information about, 1

Array Viewer

demo file, 1

installing, 1

run-time distributables package, 1

starting, 1

using, 1

window, 1

Array Visualizer, 1, 2

see also Array Viewer1

and the visual development environment, 1


redistribution files for, 1

Aview routines library, 1

Avis2D and AvisGrid ActiveX (OCX) controls, 1

documentation, 1

information about, 1

installing, 1

new features, 1

program folder, contents of, 1

release notes, 1

removing, 1

sample programs, 1

Array Visualizer Kit Location dialog box, 1

AUTOEXEC.BAT file, 1, 2

Automation (OLE Automation) objects, support for, 1

Automation, see OLE Automation1

Aview routines library, 1

AVIEWnnn.DLL file, 1

Avis2D ActiveX control, 1

Avis2D.OCX file, 1

AvisGrid ActiveX control, 1

AvisGrid.OCX file, 1


Basic Linear Algebra, see BLAS routines1

BLAS routines, 1

Bookmarks in the HTML Help Viewer, 1

Bookstore, online, 1

Browse information file, 1

Browse window, 1

Browser, source, 1

BUGREPRT.TXT file, 1, 2


Calling routine, 1

Canaima Software, 1, 2


running Visual Fortran from, 1

CD-ROM drive

requirements, 1


for Enterprise Edition, 1

for Professional Edition, 1

for Standard Edition, 1

Celsius project

building, 1

Celsius.dsw file, 1

Choose Destination Path dialog box

for Array Viewer, 1

ClassView tab, 1

Collection, 1

changing the current, 1


objects, support for, 1

server wizard, 1

server wizard, specifying as an add-in, 1

server, creating, 1

Command-line interface, 1

Compaq Array Viewer, see Array Viewer1

Compaq Array Visualizer, see Array Visualizer1

Compaq Extended Math Library Reference Guide manual, 1

Compaq Extended Math Library, see CXML1

Compaq Fortran language, 1

Compaq Fortran Language Reference Manual manual, 1

Compaq Fortran Online Bookstore, 1

Compaq Fortran Web site, 1

Compaq message board, 1

Compaq Visual Fortran Installing and Getting Started manual, 1

compaq.exe file, 1


where to find information about, 1

Component Object Model, see COM1

Components, software

for Visual Fortran, 1, 2

Concurrent-use license, 1, 2

Contents tab

in the HTML Help Viewer, 1

Context-sensitive help

using F1 to get, 1

Copying project files, 1

Current collection, see Collection1

Custom installation option, 1

Custom Options Selection dialog box

for Visual Fortran, 1


visual development environment, 1

Cvf_gs.pdf file, 1

CVF-Network-License-Server.exe file, 1

CXML, 1, 2

sample programs, 1

Cxmlref.pdf file, 1


Data arrays

guidelines for programs, 1


clearing a breakpoint, 1

displaying a value in the Watch window, 1

displaying Local Variables window, 1

displaying Watch window, 1

setting a breakpoint, 1

starting, 1

using, 1

using Step Over with, 1

Defining procedures for an application

where to find information about, 1


Array Visualizer, 1

Internet Explorer, 1

Visual Fortran Version 5, 1

Visual Fortran Version 6, 1

DeIsLn.isu files, 1

Demo file

for Array Viewer, 1

Dependency Walker, 1

Destination directories

specifying, 1

Developer Studio, see Visual development environment1

DF command, 1

DFDLG100.DLL file, 1

DFORMD.DLL file, 1

DFORRT.DLL file, 1

DFVars.bat file, 1, 2

Dialog box

Array Visualizer Kit Location, 1

Choose Destination Path, 1

Custom Options Selection, 1

Environment Variable Update, 1

FLEXlm License Finder, 1

License Terms, 1, 2, 3

New Project Type, 1

Registration, 1, 2

Registration Confirmation, 1, 2

Restart Windows, 1

Select Folder, 1, 2, 3

Setup Complete, 1, 2

Setup Install Type, 1, 2, 3

System Information, 1

User Information, 1, 2

using the dialog editor to create, 1

Welcome, 1, 2

Dialog editor, 1

Disk space

required, 1

Docking View menu option, 1

Docking window, 1


and the HTML Help Viewer, 1, 2

for Array Visualizer, 1

for Enterprise Edition, 1

for new features, 1

hardcopy, 1

in HTML format, 1

in HTML Help Viewer format, 1

in PDF format, 1

Platform SDK, 1

printed manuals, 1

road map, 1, 2

SDK, 1

WinHelp, 1

Dual-boot system, 1

Dynamic-link libraries (DLLs)

redistributing, 1



Compaq, 1

problem reports, 1

enduser.pdf file, 1, 2

Enterprise Edition, 1

additional components in, 1, 2

additional documentation, 1

CD-ROMs for, 1

components in, 1

Enterprise Toolkit, 1

installing, 1

Environment variable definitions

checking for and removing, 1

Environment Variable Update dialog box, 1

Error Lookup, 1

Error Messages manual, 1

Excel, 1


F1, using to get context-sensitive help, 1

F6, using to change focus, 1

F9040.pdf file, 1


installing, 1

using, 1

f90SQL-pro, 1

FAQ, 1

Favorites tab

in the HTML Help Viewer, 1

FileView tab, 1

FL32, 1

FLEXlm End Users Manual, 1

FLEXlm License Finder dialog box, 1

FLEXlm software license manager, 1

configuring, 1

documentation, 1

how it works, 1

installing, 1

Floating window, 1

FORTRAN 66 standard, 1

FORTRAN 77 standard, 1

Fortran 90 standard, 1

Fortran 95 standard, 1

Fortran COM Server project, 1

Fortran Command Prompt, 1

Fortran Console application, 1

converting to Fortran QuickWin application, 1

Fortran Dynamic-Link Library application, 1

FORTRAN IV (FORTRAN 66) standard, 1

Fortran Module Wizard, 1, 2

Fortran QuickWin application, 1

Fortran Standard Graphics application, 1

converting to Fortran QuickWin application, 1

Fortran Static Library application, 1

Fortran Windows application, 1

FQWIN.HLP file, 1

Frequently Asked Questions, see FAQ1


GLOBEtrotter, Inc., 1


Hard disk space

required, 1

Hardcopy documentation, 1

Help button, 1

Help Viewer, see HTML Help Viewer1

Help Workshop, 1

Highlights, product, 1, 2

HLP files, 1

Host ID in FLEXlm software license manager, 1

HostID box, 1

HP-UX operating system, 1

HTML documentation, 1

HTML Help Viewer, 1, 2

additional features, 1

changing the current collection1

context-sensitive help, 1

defining and using subsets, 1

displaying, 1

documentation available with, 1

navigating by jumping, 1

overview, 1

problems displaying information, 1

search syntax, 1

toolbar, 1

using F1, 1

using the Contents tab, 1

using the Favorites tab, 1

using the Index tab, 1

using the Search tab, 1

viewing online documentation in, 1

window, 1



contents file, 1

documentation in PDF format, 1

error handler library, 1

Fortran 90 MP libraries, 1, 2

information about, 1

static library, 1

stub library for MPI routines, 1

IMSL Fortran 90 MP Library manual, 1

IMSL library, 1

IMSL Math/Library, Special Functions manual, 1

IMSL Math/Library, Volume 2 manual, 1

IMSL Math/Library, Volumes 1 and 2 manual, 1

IMSL Stat/Library, Volume 1 manual, 1

Imsl.pdf file, 1

IMSL_ERR library, 1

IMSLMPISTUB library, 1

Include paths

updating, 1

INCLUDE variable, 1

Increasing stack size, 1

Index tab

in the HTML Help Viewer, 1


starting, 1

Installation number see Registration number1

Installation option

Custom, 1

Run From CD-ROM, 1

Typical, 1

Installation options

changing, 1

for Array Visualizer, 1

specifying, 1


Array Viewer, 1

Array Visualizer, 1

Enterprise Toolkit, 1

f90SQL-lite, 1

FLEXlm software license manager, 1

Internet Explorer, 1

Service Pack 3, 1

service update kit, 1

Technical Programming Extensions, 1

Visual Fortran, 1, 2

prerequisites, 1, 2

steps for, 1

Visual Fortran service update kit, 1

with Visual Fortran Version 5, 1

with Visual Fortran Version 6.0 or 6.1, 1

with Visual Studio products, 1

Interface definition, 1

Internet Explorer, installing, 1


Jumping in the HTML Help Viewer, 1


KAP optimization settings, 1

Keyboard shortcuts, 1

Knowledge Base, 1


Language Reference manual, 1

LAPACK routines, 1

LIB variable, 1

Library path

updating, 1


concurrent-use, 1, 2

multiple-user, 1

License key file, 1

License manager software, see FLEXLM software license manager1

License number, 1

License Terms dialog box

for Array Viewer, 1

for Array Visualizer, 1

for Visual Fortran, 1

LINK_F90 variable, 1

Linker, 1


where to find information about, 1

Linux operating system, 1

lmgrd.exe file, 1

lmtools.exe file, 1

lmutil.exe file, 1


MAPI e-mail support, 1

Mapi32.dll file, 1

Master Setup window

activating, 1

using to install Visual Fortran, 1

Math.pdf file, 1

Memory requirements for installing Visual Fortran, 1

Message board, 1

Microsoft Excel, 1

Microsoft MASM (Assembler for x86 systems), 1

Microsoft Visual SourceSafe, 1

Mixed-language programming, 1


requirement, 1

MPI routines library, 1

MS-DOS window, 1

Multiple-user license considerations, 1


New features documentation, 1

New Project Type dialog box, 1

Newsletter for Visual Fortran, 1



OCX control, see ActiveX control1

OCX files

and redistribution, 1

OLE Automation

and Array Viewer, 1

and Fortran Module Wizard, 1

OLE-COM Object Viewer, 1

Online Bookstore, 1

Online documentation

see also HTML Help Viewer1

viewing in HTML Help Viewer, 1

Online help

getting in the visual development environment, 1

Online Registration, 1

OpenGL, 1

Optional software, 1


Packaging for Visual Fortran, 1, 2

Path variable, 1

PDF documentation, 1

Array Visualizer HTML help files, 1

Compaq Extended Math Library Reference Guide manual, 1

Compaq Visual Fortran Installing and Getting Started manual, 1

FLEXlm End Users Manual manual, 1

for IMSL, 1

Visual Fortran HTML help files, 1

PDF files

viewing, 1

Per-User Setup, 1

Per-user setup option, applying, 1

Platform SDK documentation, 1

Porting Assistant, 1

Postinstallation tasks, 1, 2


for installing Visual Fortran, 1, 2

Printed manuals, 1

Problem reports

manually e-mailing, 1


displaying HTML Help Viewer information, 1


guidelines for, 1

Procedure interface definition, 1

Process Viewer, 1

Product highlights, 1, 2

Professional Edition

additional components in, 1

CD-ROMs for, 1

components in, 1

Profiler, 1

Program folder

Array Visualizer, 1

Visual Fortran, 1

Programmer's Guide manual, 1

Project, 1

adding files to, 1

building, 1

configuration, 1

creating a new, 1

files, copying, 1

information about, 1

settings, 1

types, 1

workspace, 1

Project type

Fortran COM Server, 1

Fortran Console, 1

Fortran Dynamic-Link Library application, 1

Fortran QuickWin application, 1

Fortran Standard Graphics, 1

Fortran Static Library application, 1

Fortran Windows, 1


Read Me, 1

Readme file

for CXML, 1

for IMSL, 1

for VF Reporter, 1

for Visual Fortran, 1, 2


dynamic-link libraries (DLLs), 1

Redistributing files, 1, 2

manually, 1

Redistribution files for Array Visualizer applications, 1

Redistribution folders, files in, 1

Registering Visual Fortran with Compaq, 1

Registration Confirmation dialog box

for Array Visualizer, 1

for Visual Fortran, 1

Registration dialog box, 1

for Array Visualizer, 1

Registration information

updating, 1

Registration number, 1

REGSVR32 utility, 1


Visual Fortran, 1

Release notes for Array Visualizer, 1

Release notes for Visual Fortran, 1


Array Visualizer, 1

environment variable definitions, 1

Internet Explorer, 1

VF Reporter, 1

Visual Fortran Version 5, 1

Visual Fortran Version 6, 1

Reporter, see VF Reporter1

Reporting problems

guidelines for, 1

Requirements for running Visual Fortran, 1

Resource editor

dialog, 1

Resource editors, using, 1

ResourceView tab, 1

Restart Windows dialog box, 1

Road map to the documentation, see Documentation, road map1

Run From CD-ROM installation option, 1

Running Visual Fortran from CD-ROM, 1

Run-time redistributables kit for Visual Fortran, 1

Run-time redistributables package for Array Viewer, 1


Sample programs, 1, 2

Array Visualizer, 1


folders, 1

Samples.htm file, 1

SDK documentation, 1

Search syntax, 1

using wildcards, 1

Search tab

in the HTML Help Viewer, 1

Searching to locate topics, 1

Select Folder dialog box

for Array Viewer, 1

for Array Visualizer, 1

for Visual Fortran, 1

Service Pack 3, installing, 1

Service update kit

installing, 1

Setup Complete dialog box

for Array Viewer, 1

for Array Visualizer, 1

Setup Install Type dialog box

for Array Visualizer, 1

for Visual Fortran, 1, 2

Sfun.pdf file, 1


keyboard, 1

Signal Processing routines, 1

Software components for Visual Fortran, 1, 2

Software Product Description (SPD), 1

Solaris operating system, 1

Source browser, using, 1

Sparse Linear System routines, 1

SPLINE mixed-language sample program, 1

Spy++, 1

Stack size, increasing, 1



Fortran 90, 1

Fortran 95, 1


Standard Edition

CD-ROMs for, 1

components in, 1

upgrading from, 1


Array Viewer, 1

Visual Fortran, 1

Statvol1.pdf file, 1

Statvol2.pdf file, 1


defining in the HTML Help Viewer, 1

Support, technical, 1, 2

e-mail support, 1

FAQ, 1

guidelines for reporting problems, 1

Knowledge Base, 1

newsletter, 1

overview, 1

paid consulting support, 1

types of, 1

user-to-user support, 1

System Information dialog box, 1

System requirements, 1

System requirements for Visual Fortran, 1


Tasks, postinstallation, 1, 2

Technical Programming Extensions, see TPE1

Technical support, see Support, technical1

Text editor, using, 1

TPE, 1

installing, 1

Tru64 UNIX operating system documentation, 1

Typical installation option, 1


uninst command, 1


from Standard Edition, 1

USE statement, 1

USE statement, 1

User Information dialog box, 1, 2

buttons in, 1

tabs in, 1

Utility routines

for CXML, 1


VF Reporter, 1, 2

overview, 1

problems mailing files, 1

Readme file, 1

System Information dialog box, 1

User Information dialog box, 1

VFmail directory, 1

VFRPORTR directory, 1


VGA monitor

requirement, 1


PDF files, 1

Visual Basic

and mixed-language programming, 1

Visual C++

and mixed-language programming, 1

installing after Visual Fortran, 1

Visual C++ User's Guide (for Visual Fortran) manual, 1

Visual development environment

customizing, 1

docking window, 1

floating window, 1

getting online help, 1

starting Visual Fortran from, 1


where to find information about, 1

windows, 1, 2

Visual Fortran

Enterprise Edition, 1

installing, 1, 2

new features, 1

packaging, 1, 2

product highlights, 1, 2

program folder, contents of, 1

projects, 1

release notes, 1

sample programs, 1, 2

Software Product Description (SPD), 1

starting, 1

system requirements, 1

using, 1, 2

Visual Fortran Master Setup window

activating, 1

using to install Visual Fortran, 1

Visual Fortran Reporter, see VF Reporter1

Visual Fortran Version 5

installing Visual Fortran with, 1

Visual Fortran Version 6.0 or 6.1

installing with, 1

Visual Fortran, reinstalling, 1

Visual J++, 1

Visual Numerics, 1

Visual SourceSafe, 1

Visual Studio products

installing Visual Fortran with, 1

Visual Studio tools, 1

VNI_F90_MSG variable, 1

VR Reporter

starting, 1


Watch window, 1

Web site

Adobe Systems, 1

Canaima Software, 1

Compaq Fortran, 1

Compaq Math Libraries, 1

for Visual Fortran registration, 1

Microsoft Excel, 1

Microsoft Visual Studio, 1

Visual Numerics, 1

Visual SourceSafe, 1

Visual Studio, 1

Welcome dialog box

for Array Viewer, 1

for Array Visualizer, 1


using with search syntax, 1

WinDiff, 1


see also Dialog box1

Array Viewer, 1

browse, 1

command-line, 1

Developer Studio, 1

docking, 1

establishing a layout for, 1

floating, 1

HTML Help Viewer, 1


text editor, 1

visual development environment, 1

VIsual Fortran Master Setup

activating, 1

Visual Fortran Master Setup

using, 1

Watch, 1

Windows 2000 systems

removing environment variable definitions, 1

Windows 95 systems

removing environment variable definitions, 1

Windows 98 systems

removing environment variable definitions, 1

Windows Me systems

removing environment variable definitions, 1

Windows NT 4 systems

removing environment variable definitions, 1

WinHelp, 1

Array Viewer documentation, 1

WinHelp documentation, 1


COM server, 1

Fortran Module, see Fortran Module Wizard1

Workspace, 1

Workspace file

Celsius, 1