Read Me First
Chapter 1 Summary of Visual Fortran Software Components and Packaging 1-1
1.1 Visual Fortran Software Components 1-1
1.1.1 Components in All Three Editions 1-1
1.1.2 Additional Components in the Professional and Enterprise Editions 1-2
1.1.3 Additional Components in the Enterprise Edition 1-3
1.1.4 Components in Table Format 1-3
1.2 Visual Fortran Packaging 1-4
1.2.1 CD-ROMs for Standard Edition 1-4
1.2.2 CD-ROMs for Professional Edition 1-5
1.2.3 CD-ROMs for Enterprise Edition 1-5
Chapter 2 Prerequisites for Installing Visual Fortran 2-1
2.1 System Requirements for the Three Editions 2-1
2.5 Considerations for Installing with Visual Studio Products 2-4
2.6 Considerations for Installing with Visual Fortran Version 5 2-6
2.7 Considerations for Installing with Visual Fortran Version 6.0, 6.1, or 6.5 2-6
2.8 Multiple-User License Considerations 2-7
2.9 Concurrent-Use License Considerations 2-8
Chapter 3 How to Install Visual Fortran 3-1
3.1 Starting the Installation 3-1
3.2 Activating the Visual Fortran Master Setup Window 3-2
3.3 Using the Visual Fortran Master Setup Window 3-3
3.4 Installing Visual Fortran 3-4
3.4.1 How to Display the Setup Install Type Dialog Box 3-4
3.4.2 Specifying Installation Options and Destination Directories 3-6
3.4.3 Installing Service Pack 3 (Windows NT Systems Only) 3-9
3.4.4 Installing Internet Explorer 3-10
3.5 Installing Array Viewer (Standard Edition) 3-10
3.6 Installing Array Visualizer (Professional and Enterprise Editions) 3-12
3.7 Installing Enterprise Toolkit and TPE Components (Enterprise Edition) 3-14
3.8 Registering Visual Fortran With Compaq 3-15
3.9 Running Visual Fortran All or Partially from CD-ROM 3-15
3.10 Visual Fortran Program Folder Contents 3-16
3.10.1 Array Visualizer Program Folder Contents 3-18
3.11 After Installation: Must-Do Task 3-18
Chapter 4 Postinstallation Tasks 4-1
4.1 Applying the Visual Fortran Per-User Setup Option 4-1
4.2 Specifying the COM Server Wizard as a Developer Studio Add-in (Professional and Enterprise Editions Only) 4-2
4.3 Performing Compilations with a Concurrent-Use License 4-2
4.4 Copying Visual Fortran Project Files 4-3
4.5 Changing Installation Options or Reinstalling Visual Fortran 4-3
4.6 Setting Up Visual Fortran Online Documentation 4-4
4.7 Redistributing Visual Fortran Files 4-4
4.7.1 Which Files Might Need to be Redistributed? 4-4
4.7.2 Using the Run-Time Redistributables Kit to Redistribute Files 4-5
4.7.3 Files in the Redistribution Folders 4-6
4.7.4 Redistributing Dynamic-Link Libraries (DLLs) 4-7
4.7.5 Redistributing Files by Hand 4-8
4.8 Increasing the Stack Size for Programs That Use Large Data Arrays 4-9
4.9 Installing Visual Fortran Service Update Kits 4-9
4.10 Removing Visual Fortran Version 6 (6.0, 6.1, 6.5, 6.5A, or 6.6) 4-9
4.11 Removing Visual Fortran Version 5 4-10
4.12 Removing Internet Explorer 4-12
4.13 Removing Array Visualizer 4-12
4.14 Checking for and Removing Old Environment Variable Definitions 4-13
4.14.1 Removing Environment Variable Definitions on Windows 98 and Windows 95 Systems 4-13
4.14.2 Removing Environment Variable Definitions on Windows 2000 and Windows NT 4 Systems 4-13
4.14.3 Removing Environment Variable Definitions on Windows Me Systems 4-14
4.15 Updating Include and Library Paths After Installing Visual C++ 4-15
4.16 Installing f90SQL-lite 4-15
Chapter 5 Using a Concurrent-Use License 5-1
5.1 What is the License Manager? 5-1
5.2 Installing the License Manager 5-2
5.3 Obtaining the License Key File 5-2
5.4 Configuring the License Manager 5-3
5.5 Running Visual Fortran for the First Time 5-5
5.6 How the License Manager Works 5-6
Chapter 6 Using Visual Fortran 6-1
6.1 What is the Visual Development Environment? 6-2
6.2 How to Start the Visual Development Environment 6-3
6.3 Visual Fortran Projects 6-3
6.4 Visual Development Environment Windows 6-4
6.4.1 Floating Windows and Docking Windows 6-6
6.6 Project Configurations and Settings 6-7
6.7 How to Build an Existing Visual Fortran Project (Celsius) 6-7
6.8 How to Edit a Source File 6-8
6.9 How to Debug a Source File 6-9
6.10 How to Create a New Project Based on Existing Source Files 6-13
6.10.1 How to Add Files to a Project 6-15
6.11 Customizing the Visual Development Environment 6-15
6.12 Using the Text Editor 6-16
6.13 Using the Source Browser 6-17
6.14 Using the Resource Editors 6-18
Chapter 7 Product Highlights 7-1
7.1 Using the Sample Programs 7-1
7.2 Compaq Fortran Language 7-3
7.3 Using the Command-Line Interface 7-4
7.4 Using Compaq Extended Math Library (CXML) 7-4
7.5 Mixed-Language Programming Support with Visual C++ and Visual Basic 7-6
7.6 Viewing Online Documentation in the HTML Help Viewer 7-7
7.7 Using the Array Visualizer 7-7
7.7.2 Aview Routines Library 7-8
7.7.3 Avis2D and AvisGrid ActiveX (OCX) Controls 7-9
7.7.4 Enhancements to the Visual Development Environment 7-9
7.7.5 Array Visualizer Samples 7-9
7.7.6 Installing Array Visualizer 7-9
7.7.7 Starting Array Viewer 7-9
7.7.8 Information about Array Visualizer 7-10
7.8 Using the IMSL Libraries (Professional and Enterprise Editions) 7-10
7.10 Using Enterprise Toolkit and Technical Programming Extensions (Enterprise Edition) 7-12
7.11 Support for COM and Automation Objects: Fortran Module Wizard 7-12
7.12 Support for Creating COM Servers (Professional and Enterprise Editions) 7-13
7.13 Interface Definitions for Routines 7-13
7.13.1 Visual Fortran and Array Visualizer Library Routines 7-13
7.13.2 CXML and IMSL Routines 7-14
7.13.3 Win32 Platform SDK Routines 7-14
Chapter 8 Documentation Road Map: Where to Find What You Need 8-1
8.1 Printed (Hardcopy) Documentation 8-1
8.1.1 Compaq Fortran Online Bookstore 8-2
8.2 Documentation Available in HTML Help Viewer Format 8-2
8.2.4 Visual C++ User's Guide (for Visual Fortran) 8-5
8.2.5 Compaq Array Visualizer Documentation 8-5
8.2.6 Platform SDK and SDK Documentation 8-5
8.2.7 Additional HTML Help for the Enterprise Edition 8-5
8.3 Documentation Available in HTML Format 8-6
8.4 Documentation Available in PDF Format 8-6
8.4.2 Location of Installing and Getting Started PDF File 8-7
8.4.3 Location of CXML PDF File 8-7
8.4.4 Location of IMSL PDF Files 8-7
8.4.5 Location of FLEXlm PDF File 8-8
8.5 Documentation Available in WinHelp Format 8-8
8.6 Information About New Features 8-8
8.7 Where to Find Information About Particular Topics 8-9
Chapter 9 Using the HTML Help Viewer 9-1
9.1 What Is the HTML Help Viewer? 9-1
9.2 Displaying the HTML Help Viewer 9-3
9.3 Using the Contents Tab 9-4
9.4 Navigating by Jumping to Related Topics 9-5
9.5 Using F1 to Get Context-Sensitive Help 9-5
9.6 Using the Index Tab to Locate Topics by Index Keyword 9-6
9.7 Using the Search Tab to Locate Topics by Searching 9-6
9.8 Using the Favorites Tab for Bookmarks 9-8
9.9 Changing the Current Collection 9-8
9.10 Defining and Using Subsets 9-9
9.11 Other HTML Help Viewer Features 9-10
9.12 Problems Displaying HTML Help Viewer Information 9-11
Chapter 10 Visual Fortran Technical Support 10-1
10.1 Overview of Technical Support 10-1
10.2 Types of Technical Support 10-1
10.3 Guidelines for Reporting Problems 10-2
Chapter 11 Using the VF Reporter Tool 11-1
11.1 What Is VF Reporter? 11-1
11.2 Starting VF Reporter 11-2
11.3 User Information Dialog Box 11-3
11.3.1 Tabs in the User Information Dialog Box 11-3
11.3.2 Buttons in the User Information Dialog Box 11-4
11.4 System Information Dialog Box 11-5
11.5 Manually E-Mailing Problem Reports 11-6
11.6 Problems Mailing Files with VF Reporter 11-7
Glossary Glossary-1
Index Index-1