Chapter 3 How to Install Visual Fortran

This chapter contains the following sections:


Before you begin installing, be sure to read the relevant information in Chapter 2, Prerequisites for Installing Visual Fortran, particularly sections about the registration number and considerations for installing with Visual Studio and with previous versions of Visual Fortran.

3.1 Starting the Installation

To install any edition (Standard, Professional, or Enterprise) of Visual Fortran, do the following:

  1. Start Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows NT 4, Windows Me, Windows 98, or Windows 95. If your system is already started, close all applications currently in use.
  2. If you are using a Windows 2000 or Windows NT 4 system, log into an account with Administrator privilege.
  3. Locate the Visual Fortran CD-ROM in your kit and insert it into your system's CD-ROM drive.
  4. Use the Compaq Visual Fortran Master Setup Window to continue the installation.

The Visual Fortran Master Setup Window appears if the version of Visual Fortran on the Visual Fortran CD-ROM has not been previously installed on your system. Go to Section 3.3, Using the Visual Fortran Master Setup Window and continue the setup process.

The Visual Fortran Master Setup Window does not appear if the same version of Visual Fortran has been previously installed; this allows use of the Run from CD-ROM option (described in Section 3.9, Running Visual Fortran All or Partially from CD-ROM).

If the Visual Fortran Master Setup Window does not appear, go to Section 3.2, Activating the Visual Fortran Master Setup Window and follow the instructions.

3.2 Activating the Visual Fortran Master Setup Window

To activate the Visual Fortran Master Setup Window, you can use the Control Panel, the My Computer icon, or the Run menu item:

Using the Control Panel:

    1. From the Start menu, move the pointer to Settings.
    2. Click Control Panel; the Control Panel window appears.
    3. Click Add/Remove Programs; a dialog box appears.
    4. Click the Install button (in the Install/Uninstall tab).
    5. After inserting the Visual Fortran CD-ROM, click the Next> button.
    6. Click Finish.

Using the My Computer icon:

    1. In My Computer, double-click the CD-ROM drive to display the contents of the Visual Fortran CD-ROM.
    2. Double-click the Setup icon to start the setup process.

Using the Run menu item:

    1. From the Start menu, click Run.
    2. Enter the drive letter followed by a colon and \setup.exe. For example, if your CD-ROM drive is your D drive, enter: d:\setup.exe
    3. Click Enter.

After the Visual Fortran Master Setup Window appears, go to Section 3.3, Using the Visual Fortran Master Setup Window and follow the instructions.

3.3 Using the Visual Fortran Master Setup Window

Figure 3-1 shows the Visual Fortran Master Setup window.

Figure 3-1 Compaq Visual Fortran Master Setup Window

The Master Setup window lets you select one of the following options:

Click this button to begin installing Compaq Visual Fortran.

Click this button to view the Visual Fortran release notes. The release notes are displayed in the Notepad or Wordpad text editor.

After installation, you can read the release notes online by using the Visual Fortran program folder (click Start, then Programs, then Compaq Visual Fortran 6, then Release Notes) or by viewing the Relnotes.txt file or the Relnotes.htm file in the following directory:

\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Df98 

Click this button to exit the setup process.

3.4 Installing Visual Fortran

If you have not done so already, activate the Compaq Visual Fortran Master Setup window. (See Section 3.2, Activating the Visual Fortran Master Setup Window.)

These sections describe the two basic steps for installing Visual Fortran:

3.4.1 How to Display the Setup Install Type Dialog Box

Follow these steps to bring up the Setup Install Type dialog box:

  1. The setup process asks if you want to view the Readme file. If you click Yes, the file is displayed in the Notepad or Wordpad text editor. After you read the file, close the text editor.
  2. The Welcome dialog box requests that you discontinue using other applications during the setup process. (You can minimize the Master Setup window to access the other applications.)

After closing other applications, click the Next> button to proceed.

  1. The setup process checks to see if required software is installed and, if not, installs it.

Windows NT systems only: The setup process checks to see whether Service Pack 3 (or a later service pack) has been installed. If SP3 (or later) is not installed, a dialog box appears asking whether you want to install it now. You must install SP3 to continue with the installation. See Section 3.4.3, Installing Service Pack 3 (Windows NT Systems Only).

All systems: The setup process checks to see whether Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 4 (or later) is installed. If it is not installed, a dialog box appears asking whether you want to install it now. It is highly recommended that you install it now. See Section 3.4.4, Installing Internet Explorer.

  1. If the setup process detects that Service Pack 3 is installed for Windows NT systems and that Internet Explorer is installed, the License Terms dialog box appears.

The License Terms dialog box requests that you view the terms of the Visual Fortran license. If you accept the terms, Click the I Accept button.

  1. The Registration dialog box appears.

Enter your name and your company's name.

Carefully enter your registration number into the four fields displayed. Your registration is on the front of the Visual Fortran folder and also on your license letter. For a multiple-user license kit, see Section 2.8, Multiple-User License Considerations.

If you purchased a product upgrade kit (such as to upgrade Visual Fortran between major versions), the setup process may ask for both the old and the new registration numbers.

As you enter the number, the cursor moves to the next field. If you need to make a correction, you can move the cursor to a different field:

Click on one of the following buttons:

  1. The Registration Confirmation dialog box appears. Click Yes or No as appropriate. If you click No, the Registration dialog box reappears to let you enter the correct information.
  2. The setup process searches for installed components and displays the Setup Install Type dialog box, as shown in Figure 3-2. This dialog box lets you specify installation options and destination directories.
Figure 3-2 Setup Install Type Dialog Box (Visual Fortran)

3.4.2 Specifying Installation Options and Destination Directories

Installation Options

The options are:

Table 3-1 lists the installation components and subcomponents and shows which ones are included in a Typical installation.
Table 3-1 Visual Fortran Installation Components and Subcomponents
Component and Subcomponent Name
Included in Typical Installation?
IMSL Numerical Libraries

(Professional and Enterprise Editions only)

IMSL Modules, Libraries, Includes and Messages
IMSL Online Help
IMSL Sample Programs
CXML Libraries
Sample Programs
Books Online

Documentation Viewer and Indices
Visual Fortran Books Online
Developer Studio Books Online
Win32 SDK Books Online
Supplemental Tools

Process Viewer
Windows Tools
Ole Tools
Fortran Compiler, Tools, and Libraries1
Microsoft Developer Studio1
To view all the items during a Custom installation, use the horizontal scroll bar.

If you choose the Typical installation option and later want to add additional components, you can perform a Custom installation without removing Visual Fortran. See Section 4.5, Changing Installation Options or Reinstalling Visual Fortran.

If you choose Custom and click Next>, the Custom Options Selection dialog box appears.

This dialog box lets you scroll the list of available components and select the check box for each component you want installed. It also displays:

If you are installing Visual Fortran components on multiple drives, the Space Available number applies only to the drive on which the files for the Microsoft Developer Studio component are to be installed.

In the Custom Options Selection dialog box, when you turn on certain components, such as Books Online, you can click the Change button to view the sizes and check each subcomponent you want to install.

When you turn on a component that does not have any subcomponents, the Change button is dimmed.

To determine the disk space available for the current destination directory, select the Custom option, view the disk space available, and then click the <Back button to allow you to select one of the three installation options.

The displayed disk space numbers are calculated conservatively as if none of the files exist in the destination directories. For example, if you are installing a newer version of Visual Fortran Version 6 in the same location as an older version of Version 6 (such as Version 6.0), the actual disk space required will be less than the calculated disk space displayed.

Destination Directories

The Destination Directories box (lower part of screen) shows the default destination directories.

If you are installing a new version of Visual Fortran, the default directories will be placed on your system disk (shown below as C:), as follows:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Df98
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98 

If you are installing a version of Visual Fortran on a system where Microsoft Visual Studio products are installed (such as Visual C++), the directories will be where the Visual Studio components were installed. Be sure to read Section 2.5, Considerations for Installing with Visual Studio Products, before you install Visual Fortran.

If you are installing a version of Visual Fortran on a dual-boot system (such as Windows 98 and Windows NT), you need to specify different directories (or disks) for the installation of Visual Fortran under each operating system.

To change disk devices, click the top Directory button and select a different disk device from the drop-down list. On whichever disk device you select, Compaq recommends that you specify the top-level directory as:

\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common 

To specify a different directory, click the appropriate Directory button.

If you are installing a newer version of Version 6 or reinstalling Visual Fortran, the setup process will replace (install over the location of) the existing version by default. For more information on changing installation options or reinstalling Visual Fortran, see Section 4.5, Changing Installation Options or Reinstalling Visual Fortran.

Continue the installation, following the steps below. You can use the <Back and Next> buttons to move through the installation selections.

  1. When you have selected the installation option and destination directories in the Setup Install Type dialog box, click the Next> button. Then, if you chose the Custom option, click Next> in the Custom Options Selection dialog box.
  2. The Select Folder dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 3-3 for a Windows NT system.
Figure 3-3 Select Folder Dialog Box

The Select Folder dialog box asks you to:

For the folder name, use the same set of characters allowed for file names.

- As a personal folder available only to the account being used for installation

- In a common folder available to other users

  1. Make your selection and click the Next> button.

When you click the Next> button in the Select Folder dialog box, installation begins.

  1. After you click the Next> button, the setup process displays the message `Setup is checking space requirements' while it determines the exact amount of disk space needed. A message is displayed if you do not have enough disk space.

The setup process copies files to the destination directories, updates registry entries, and creates Program Folder entries and icons.

  1. The Environment Variable Update dialog box appears, asking whether you want to update certain environment variables for use with an MS-DOS command prompt.

This environment variable update is not necessary if you use the Visual Fortran command prompt for any command-line use of Visual Fortran. It is also not necessary if you use Visual Fortran only from the visual development environment. Note that the Visual Fortran command prompt is installed automatically during the setup process. See Section 7.3, Using the Command-Line Interface.

If you decide to allow your environment variables to be updated, on Windows 98 or Windows 95 systems, Visual Fortran modifies your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to insert a CALL command that executes the DFVars.bat file. On Windows 2000, Windows Me, and Windows NT 4 systems, the installation sets system-side environment variables, as described in Section 4.14, Checking for and Removing Old Environment Variable Definitions.

  1. The setup process asks if you want to register your product now. See Section 3.8, Registering Visual Fortran With Compaq.

If you are installing the Standard Edition, continue the installation by going to Section 3.5, Installing Array Viewer (Standard Edition).

If you are installing the Professional or Enterprise Edition, continue the installation by going to Section 3.6, Installing Array Visualizer (Professional and Enterprise Editions).

3.4.3 Installing Service Pack 3 (Windows NT Systems Only)

If Service Pack 3 is not installed, the setup process requests that you install it.

To install SP3:

  1. Click the Yes button to begin installation of SP3. The Welcome to Service Pack Setup window appears.
  2. Follow the displayed instructions.

Your system will reboot after SP3 is installed.

After the reboot, resume installing Visual Fortran, as described in Section 3.4.1, How to Display the Setup Install Type Dialog Box.

3.4.4 Installing Internet Explorer

If Internet Explorer Version 4 Service Pack 1 or later is not installed, the setup process requests that you install it. Internet Explorer Version 4 is provided on the Visual Fortran CD-ROM.


To view Visual Fortran online documentation in the HTML Help Viewer, you must install Internet Explorer before you install Visual Fortran. On a Windows 2000 or Windows NT 4 system, you must install Internet Explorer from an account with Administrator privilege.

If you choose not to install Internet Explorer when prompted, you will need to install Internet Explorer and then reinstall Visual Fortran later to be able to view Visual Fortran online documentation in the HTML Help Viewer.

To install Internet Explorer:

  1. Click the Yes button to begin installation of Internet Explorer. The Internet Explorer 4.01 SP1 Active Setup window appears.
  2. View and accept the Internet Explorer license agreement. A minimum installation is sufficient to view HTML Help online documentation.
  3. Files are copied to your system disk. Follow the displayed instructions.

Your system will reboot after Internet Explorer is installed.

After the reboot, resume installing Visual Fortran, as described in Section 3.4.1, How to Display the Setup Install Type Dialog Box.

3.5 Installing Array Viewer (Standard Edition)

If you are installing the Standard Edition, as the final step in the installation, the setup process asks you whether you want to install the Compaq Array Viewer, a subset of the Compaq Array Visualizer.

Follow these steps to install the Array Viewer:

  1. The Welcome dialog box requests that you discontinue using other applications during the setup process. (You can minimize the setup window to access the other applications.)

After closing other applications (if any), click the Next> button to proceed.

  1. The Choose Destination Path dialog box asks you to specify the Destination Path, or click the Browse button to specify the correct directory location. The default location is: C:\Program Files\ArrayVisualizer

If you are installing the Array Viewer on a dual-boot system (such as Windows 98 and Windows NT), you need to specify different directories (or disks) for the installation of Array Viewer or Array Visualizer under each operating system.

  1. The License Terms dialog box requests that you view the terms of the Array Viewer license. If you accept the terms, click the I Accept button.
  2. The Select Folder dialog box appears, asking you to:
    • View and optionally change the Program Folder name.

For the folder name, use the same set of characters allowed for file names.

- As a personal folder available only to the account being used for installation

- In a common folder available to other users


When you click the Next> button in the Select Folder dialog box, installation begins.

After you click the Next> button, the setup process displays the message `Setup is checking space requirements' while it determines the exact amount of disk space needed. A message is displayed if you do not have enough disk space.

The setup process copies files to the destination directories, updates registry entries, and creates a Program Folder entries and icons. The program folder item is called Compaq Array Visualizer.

  1. If it appears, the Restart Windows dialog box asks whether you want to reboot Windows now or later.
  2. The Setup Complete dialog box asks you to register Visual Fortran. See Section 3.8, Registering Visual Fortran With Compaq.

To install the Compaq Array Viewer at a later time after you have completed the installation of Visual Fortran, on the Visual Fortran Standard Edition CD-ROM double-click the following file: \X86\Arrview\Setup.exe

After installation, perform certain postinstallation tasks described in Chapter 4, Postinstallation Tasks.

3.6 Installing Array Visualizer (Professional and Enterprise Editions)

If you are installing the Professional or Enterprise Editions, after you install the Visual Fortran CD-ROM, the setup process asks you whether you want to install the Compaq Array Visualizer.

If you reply Yes, the Array Visualizer Kit Location dialog box appears.

Insert the Compaq Array Visualizer CD-ROM into your system's CD-ROM drive and click Next>.

Follow these steps to install the Array Visualizer:

  1. The Welcome dialog box requests that you discontinue using other applications during the setup process. (You can minimize the setup window to access the other applications.)

After closing other applications (if any), click the Next> button to proceed.

The License Terms dialog box requests that you view the terms of the Array Visualizer license. If you accept the terms, click the I Accept button.

  1. The Registration dialog box appears.

Your information will probably be displayed. If not, see Section 3.4.1, How to Display the Setup Install Type Dialog Box, for details about how to enter your registration number. Click Next> to continue.

  1. The Registration Confirmation dialog box appears. Click Yes or No as appropriate. If you click No, the Registration dialog box reappears to let you enter the correct information.
  2. The Setup Install Type dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 3-4.
Figure 3-4 Setup Install Type Dialog Box (Array Visualizer)

This dialog box lets you specify the type of installation and destination directory. The types are:

Choose the default Destination Directory or click the Browse button to specify another location.

If you are installing the Array Visualizer on a dual-boot system (such as Windows 98 and Windows NT), you need to specify different directories (or disks) for the installation of Array Visualizer under each operating system.

Click one of the following buttons:

  1. The Select Folder dialog box appears and asks you to:
    • View and optionally change the Program Folder name.

For the folder name, use the same set of characters allowed for file names.

- As a personal folder available only to the account being used for installation

- In a common folder available to other users


When you click the Next> button in the Select Folder dialog box, installation begins.

After you click the Next> button, the setup process displays the message `Setup is checking space requirements' while it determines the exact amount of disk space needed. A message is displayed if you do not have enough disk space.

The setup process copies files to the destination directories, updates registry entries, and creates Program Folder entries and icons.

  1. The Setup Complete dialog box asks you to register Visual Fortran. See Section 3.8, Registering Visual Fortran With Compaq.

If you are installing the Enterprise Edition, continue the installation by going to Section 3.7, Installing Enterprise Toolkit and TPE Components (Enterprise Edition).

If you are not installing the Enterprise Edition, perform certain postinstallation tasks described in Chapter 4.

3.7 Installing Enterprise Toolkit and TPE Components (Enterprise Edition)

For information about the CD-ROMs provided with the Enterprise Edition, see Section 1.2, Visual Fortran Packaging.

You install the Enterprise Toolkit components for the Enterprise Edition after you have completed the Visual Fortran and Array Visualizer installations.

With the Enterprise Edition, some components are installed on the PC and some components are installed on the UNIX server system.

To install the Enterprise Toolkit and Technical Programming Extensions (TPE):

  1. Read the instructions in the Installation Guides provided in the Enterprise Toolkit and TPE CD-ROM folders.
  2. Use the CD-ROMs provided in the two folders.
  3. Use the Registration numbers provided on the back of the two folders during the installation.
  4. At the end of the Enterprise Toolkit installation, you'll be asked if you want to proceed with the TPE installation. You can choose to install TPE immediately or decline and install it later.

After installation, perform certain postinstallation tasks described in Chapter 4, Postinstallation Tasks.

3.8 Registering Visual Fortran With Compaq

After you install Visual Fortran and its associated software components, the Setup Complete dialog box appears. Click OK to register Visual Fortran online (this requires Internet access).

It is important that you register your purchase of Compaq Visual Fortran and also keep your registration information (such as your e-mail address) up-to-date. Registration entitles you to exclusive benefits, such as the Visual Fortran Newsletter, and provides a record of your serial number should you misplace it.

Concurrent licensing users need to perform a separate registration to obtain the license key (see Chapter 5, Using a Concurrent-Use License), but concurrent licensing users should also register their Visual Fortran purchase.

Use a Web browser to access the following Web site and follow the displayed instructions: 

Note that you can use this Web site to update your registration information later (for example, to change your e-mail address).

For more information, see Section 2.3, Registration Number.

For information about registering your license for concurrent use, see Chapter 5, Using a Concurrent-Use License.

The Restart Windows dialog box may appear to ask whether you want to reboot Windows now or later.

3.9 Running Visual Fortran All or Partially from CD-ROM

When you install Visual Fortran to run from CD-ROM, you do not have to install all components on your local hard disk. If you want, you can use the files that make up these components directly from the CD-ROM when you need them.

Although this can save you hard disk space, there is usually a performance penalty for the component involved (although the amount of slowdown depends on the speed of your CD-ROM drive). To determine if a particular component can run from CD-ROM, during a Custom installation, the component's description in the options selection ends with the following words: `This component can be used directly from the CD-ROM.'.

You can run certain components from the Visual Fortran CD-ROM if they are not installed on your disk. For example, you can:

With multiple-user license server installations, the contents of the Visual Fortran CD-ROM as copied to the hard disk location are used instead of the actual CD-ROM.

For information, see Section 2.8, Multiple-User License Considerations.

You also can choose to run Visual Fortran directly from the CD-ROM by selecting the Run from CD-ROM option during the setup process. If you select this option, a minimum of local hard disk space will be used. However, the Visual Fortran CD-ROM must be inserted into your CD-ROM drive to use any component of Visual Fortran.

For more information, see Section 4.5, Changing Installation Options or Reinstalling Visual Fortran.

3.10 Visual Fortran Program Folder Contents

After installation, a Visual Fortran program folder appears. To see the items in the folder:

  1. From the Start menu, click Programs.
  2. Click Compaq Visual Fortran 6 to display the items you have installed.

Depending on the Visual Fortran edition you installed and the installation options you chose, the items are:

A Windows tool for analyzing executable and dynamic-link library (DLL) files.

Starts the visual development environment. See Chapter 6, Using Visual Fortran.

A Windows tool for viewing error message text.

Brings up a command-line window with the appropriate Visual Fortran environment variables already executed. See Section 7.3, Using the Command-Line Interface.

Helps you develop Fortran clients for COM and automation servers. See Section 7.11, Support for COM and Automation Objects: Fortran Module Wizard.

Windows tool to let you create WinHelp (HLP) files for user-developed applications.

The online documentation for IMSL. See Section 7.8, Using the IMSL Libraries (Professional and Enterprise Editions) and Section 8.4, Documentation Available in PDF Format. (Note: Available in Professional and Enterprise Editions only.)

The readme file for IMSL. See Section 7.8, Using the IMSL Libraries (Professional and Enterprise Editions). (Note: Available in Professional and Enterprise Editions only.)

A Windows tool that displays details about an OLE or COM object.

Brings up the HTML Help Viewer to display the Visual Fortran online documentation without displaying Developer Studio. See Chapter 9, Using the HTML Help Viewer.

Helps you register your Visual Fortran product. See Section 3.8, Registering Visual Fortran With Compaq.

Needs to be applied once for each user after installation. See Section 4.1, Applying the Visual Fortran Per-User Setup Option.

A Windows tool that displays information about your PC and its system processes.

Displays the Visual Fortran readme file.

Displays the Visual Fortran release notes. See Section 2.2, Release Notes.

A Windows tool that gives you a graphical view of the system's processes, threads, windows, and window messages.

A tool for reporting suspected problems or sending suggestions to the Visual Fortran team. See Chapter 11, Using the VF Reporter Tool.

A Windows tool that lets you compare and modify the contents of files and directories.

3.10.1 Array Visualizer Program Folder Contents

If you installed the Array Visualizer, an Array Visualizer program folder appears. To see the items in the folder:

  1. From the Start menu, click Programs.
  2. Click Compaq Array Visualizer to display the items you have installed.

The items are:

3.11 After Installation: Must-Do Task

After installation, every user needs to apply the Per-User Setup option before using Visual Fortran. This must be done no matter what operating system is in use or what type of license you purchased. See Section 4.1, Applying the Visual Fortran Per-User Setup Option.


To start Visual Fortran, see Section 6.2, How to Start the Visual Development Environment.