Chapter 5 Using a Concurrent-Use License

This chapter contains the following sections:


This chapter applies only to sites that purchased a concurrent-use license.

5.1 What is the License Manager?

If you purchased a concurrent-use license, you will receive a single Visual Fortran kit and a single license letter.

Visual Fortran uses the FLEXlm software license manager from GLOBEtrotter, Inc. to limit the number of concurrent users to the specified number of uses (compilations) that you purchased.

To use the concurrent-use license at your site, the following steps must be completed:

  1. The license manager software needs to be installed. See Section 5.2, Installing the License Manager.
  2. You must obtain the license key file from Compaq. See Section 5.3, Obtaining the License Key File.
  3. The license manager software needs to be configured. See Section 5.4, Configuring the License Manager.

The FLEXlm End Users Manual, with information for both the administrator and end user, is provided in PDF format and is copied to the directory where you install the software.

5.2 Installing the License Manager

The license manager software must be installed and configured on a server node that is accessible by TCP/IP from all client PCs that will be using Visual Fortran.

This server node must be running Windows 2000, Windows NT 4, Windows Me, Windows 98, or Windows 95. It need not have Visual Fortran installed on it.

The license manager software is provided on the Visual Fortran Standard Edition and Professional Edition CD-ROM in the root folder in a self-installing executable called CVF-Network-License-Server.exe.

To install the server components, run CVF-Network-License-Server.exe on the server node. It will use the C:\FLEXLM folder as the default location for the installed files, but you can specify another location. If you already have the FLEXlm license manager software running on the server node, choose the location of the existing files.

The files unpacked into the license manager folder are:

Now see Section 5.3, Obtaining the License Key File.

5.3 Obtaining the License Key File

The license key file is a text file that you can obtain from Compaq in several ways:

To obtain the license key file, follow the instructions provided on a separate sheet enclosed with your Visual Fortran kit.


Enter the word ANY into the first HostID box and leave the others blank.

Save the license key file to the license manager folder as a file called FORTRAN.LIC. If you receive it by e-mail, you can simply save the complete e-mail message, because the e-mail headers are ignored.

When saving, be sure to select Files of type: All files (*.*) in the Save As dialog box. If you don't, Windows will likely append .TXT to the file name. This is especially a problem if your system is left in the default state where registered file types are hidden from the display of file names.

A license key file will look something like this:

SERVER this_host Any 7166  
INCREMENT VisFortran COMPAQ 6.6 1-jan-0001 10 1234567890AB DUP_GROUP=UH  
INCREMENT VisFortranPro COMPAQ 6.6 1-jan-0001 10 BA0987654321 DUP_GROUP=UH  

For a description of the license key file format, read the FLEXlm End Users Manual installed into the license manager directory.

A Standard Edition license will not contain the second INCREMENT line.

There might be additional fields in the INCREMENT lines.

The 1-jan-0001 date in the INCREMENT line indicates a permanent (non-expiring) license.

The 7166 on the SERVER line is the TCP/IP port number to be used by the license manager. The license you receive might have a different port number. You can edit this if needed, but users at your site will need to know the port number.

Do not edit other fields except where specified by the FLEXlm End Users Manual. Note: Compaq does not currently use Host IDs, as discussed in the manual.

Once the license key file has been saved as FORTRAN.LIC in the license manager folder, you are ready to see Section 5.4, Configuring the License Manager.

5.4 Configuring the License Manager

You need to configure the license manager to read the license file and make licenses available to the network.

To configure the license manager:

  1. Run lmtools.exe from the license manager folder. You will see an initial window that looks like Figure 5-1:
Figure 5-1 LMTOOLS Initial Window

  1. Click on the Configuration using Services radio button.
  2. Click on the Configure Services tab.

In the Service Name field, enter Compaq.

For Path to the lmgrd.exe file, enter the complete path to lmgrd.exe in the license manager folder or click Browse to browse to that file and select it.

For Path to the license file, enter or browse to the complete path to the saved FORTRAN.LIC file.

For Path to the debug log file, enter the complete path for a file where log records will be written. This would typically be debug.log in the license manager folder. The Start server at power up and Use Services buttons will automatically be enabled. The window should now look like Figure 5-2:

Figure 5-2 Configure Services Tab in LMTOOLS

  1. Click Save Service and then Yes to confirm saving the new Compaq service.
  2. Click on the Start/Stop/Reread tab.
  3. Click on Start Server. The license manager is now running and will restart automatically whenever the system reboots.

You can confirm that the manager is running by clicking on the Server Status tab and then the Perform Status Enquiry button. Exit the configuration utility using File: Exit.

Inform the users of Visual Fortran at your site of the port number and node name of the server where the license manager software resides.

5.5 Running Visual Fortran for the First Time

The first time a user runs Visual Fortran, the FLEXlm License Finder dialog box will appear, as shown in Figure 5-3:

Figure 5-3 FLEXlm License Finder Dialog Box

The following steps are necessary only the first time the compiler is run on each system:

  1. Making sure that the Specify the License Server radio button is selected, click Next>.
  2. Enter the port number and node name of the license server in the form port@node, for example, Click Next>. A message should appear saying `The FLEXlm license finder has completed.'.
  3. Click Finish to continue.

5.6 How the License Manager Works

When an individual user does a compilation, a license is acquired from the server. If none is available, the request is queued and the compiler will wait for up to five minutes. (This can be set or changed by a registry entry. For details, see the Visual Fortran release notes described in Section 2.2, Release Notes.)

If the request times out, an error message is displayed. Once a particular user has finished a compilation, that user, on the same system, has the license reserved for an additional five minutes (this cannot be changed). The additional five minutes allows for multiple compilations to be performed in sequence without the risk of losing the license in midstream.