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Viewing the Compaq® Visual Fortran HTML Documentation

The Compaq Visual Fortran (Visual Fortran) CD-ROM contains Visual Fortran Version 6.6 HTML files that can be viewed in a Web browser. These files include online HTML form of:

Visual Fortran online documentation is primarily provided in HTML Help format, as described in Chapters 8 and 9 of the Compaq Visual Fortran Installing and Getting Started included with your kit (also provided as an online HTML and PDF file).

To view the Visual Fortran HTML files in a Web browser:

  1. Insert the Compaq Visual Fortran CD-ROM
  2. Start your Web browser
  3. In the File menu, click Open
  4. Navigate to the appropriate directory, either the Info\Df\Doc\CVF_HTML or the Info\Df\Doc\CVF_LRM directory
  5. Double-click the file you want to view. To view the files in the Info\Df\Doc\CVF_HTML directory, open this file, readme.htm.

The files in subdirectories of the Info\Df\Doc\CVF_HTML directory include the following:

To view the Compaq Fortran Language Reference Manual, open the file Dflrm.htm in the Info\Df\Doc\LRM directory.

Use your Web browser's navigation features to locate and view the desired information, perhaps using links and your browser's toolbar.

The Visual Fortran CD-ROM also contains the PDF form of this online documentation. Start your Web browser and open the file readme.htm in directory Info\Df\Doc\CVF_PDF on the Visual Fortran CD-ROM.

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