Argument Inquiry: table

Note: Square brackets [...] denote optional arguments.

Name Procedure Type Description Argument/Function Type
ALLOCATED Intrinsic Function ALLOCATED(array). Determines whether an allocatable array is allocated. array: allocatable array

result: Logical scalar

ASSOCIATED Intrinsic Function ASSOCIATED(pointer[, target]). Determines whether a pointer and (optional) target are associated. pointer: any type

target: any type

result: Logical

DIGITS Intrinsic Function DIGITS(x). Returns number of significant digits for data of the same type as x. x: Integer or Real

result: Integer

EPSILON Intrinsic Function EPSILON(x). Returns the smallest positive number that when added to one produces a number greater than one for data of the same type as x. x: Real

result: same type as x

GETARG Run-time Subroutine CALL GETARG(n, buffer[, status]). Returns the specified command line argument (where the command itself is argument number zero). n: INTEGER(2) or INTEGER(4)

buffer: Character*(*)

status: INTEGER(2)

HUGE Intrinsic Function HUGE(x). Returns the largest number that can be represented by numbers of type x. x: Integer or Real

result: same type as x

ILEN Intrinsic Function ILEN(i). Returns the length (in bits) of the two's complement representation of an integer. i: Integer.

result: same type as i

KIND Intrinsic Function KIND(x). Returns the value of the kind parameter of x. x: any intrinsic type

result: Integer

LOC Intrinsic Function LOC(a). Returns the address of a. a can be a variable, function call, expression, or constant. a: any type

result: INTEGER(4)

%LOC Intrinsic Function Same as LOC.  
MAXEXPONENT Intrinsic Function MAXEXPONENT(x). Returns the largest positive decimal exponent for data of the same type as x. x: Real

result: INTEGER(4)

MINEXPONENT Intrinsic Function MINEXPONENT(x). Returns the largest negative decimal exponent for data of the same type as x. x: Real

result: INTEGER(4)

NARGS Run-time Function NARGS( ). Returns the total number of command-line arguments, including the command. result: INTEGER(4)
PRECISION Intrinsic Function PRECISION(x). Returns the number of significant digits for data of the same type as x. x: Real or Complex

result: INTEGER(4)

PRESENT Intrinsic Function PRESENT(a). Determines whether an optional argument is present. a: any type

result: Logical

RADIX Intrinsic Function RADIX(x). Returns the base for data of the same type as x. x: Integer or Real

result: INTEGER(4)

RANGE Intrinsic Function RANGE(x). Returns the decimal exponent range for data of the same type as x. x: Integer, Real or Complex

result: INTEGER(4)

SELECTED_INT_KIND Intrinsic Function SELECTED_INT_KIND(r). Returns the value of the kind parameter of integers in range r. r: Integer

result: Integer

SELECTED_REAL_KIND Intrinsic Function SELECTED_REAL_KIND([p], [r]). Returns the value of the kind parameter of reals with (optional) p digits and (optional) r exponent range. At least one optional argument is required. p: Integer

r: Integer

result: Integer

SIZEOF Intrinsic Function SIZEOF(x). Returns the number of bytes of storage used by the argument. x: any type

result: INTEGER(4)

TINY Intrinsic Function TINY(x). Returns the smallest positive number that can be represented by numbers of type x. x: Real

result: same type as x