Array Procedures: table

Note: Square brackets [...] denote optional arguments.

Name Procedure Type Description Argument/Function Type
ALL Intrinsic Function ALL(mask[, dim]). Determines whether all array values meet the conditions in mask along (optional) dimension dim. mask: Logical

dim: Integer

result: Logical and a scalar if dim is absent or mask is one-dimensional; otherwise, one dimension smaller than mask

ANY Intrinsic Function ANY(mask[, dim]). Determines whether any array values meet the conditions in mask along (optional) dimension dim. mask: Logical

dim: Integer

result: Logical and a scalar if dim is absent or mask is one-dimensional; otherwise, one dimension smaller than mask

BSEARCHQQ Run-time Function BSEARCHQQ(adr1, adr2, length, size). Performs a binary search for a specified element on a sorted one-dimensional array of non-structure data types (derived types are not allowed). adr1: INTEGER(4)

adr2: INTEGER(4)

length: INTEGER(4)

size: INTEGER(4)

result: INTEGER(4)

COUNT Intrinsic Function COUNT(mask[, dim]). Counts the number of array elements that meet the conditions in mask along (optional) dimension dim. mask: Logical

dim: Integer

result: Integer and a scalar if dim is absent or array is one-dimensional; otherwise, one-dimension smaller than mask

CSHIFT Intrinsic Function CSHIFT(array, shift [, dim]). Performs a circular shift along (optional) dimension dim. array: any type

shift: Integer

dim: Integer

result: same type and shape as array

DIMENSION Statement Identifies a variable as an array and specifies the number of elements.  
DOT_PRODUCT Intrinsic Function DOT_PRODUCT(vector_a, vector_b). Performs dot-product multiplication on vectors (one-dimensional arrays). vector_a: any except Character

vector_b: same type and size as vector_a

result: a scalar of the same type as vector_a

EOSHIFT Intinsic Function EOSHIFT(array, shift [, boundary] [, dim]). Shifts elements off one end of array along (optional) dimension dim and copies (optional) boundary values in other end. array: any type

shift: Integer

boundary: same as array

dim: Integer

result: same type and shape as array

LBOUND Intrinsic Function LBOUND(array [, dim] [, kind]). Returns lower dimensional bound(s) of an array along dimension dim (optional). array: any type

dim: Integer

kind: Integer

result: Integer and a scalar if dim is absent or array is one-dimensional; otherwise, a vector

MATMUL Intrinsic Function MATMUL(matrix_a, matrix_b). Performs matrix multiplication on matrices (two-dimensional arrays). matrix_a: any except Character

matrix_b: same as matrix_a

result: same type as matrix_a

MAXLOC Intrinsic Function MAXLOC(array[, dim] [, mask]). Returns the location of the maximum value in an array meeting conditions in (optional) mask along optional dimension dim. array: Integer or Real

dim: Integer

mask: Logical

result: Integer vector whose size is equal to the number of dimensions in array

MAXVAL Intrinsic Function MAXVAL(array [, dim] [, mask]). Returns the maximum value in an array along (optional) dimension dim that meets conditions in (optional) mask. array: Integer or Real

dim: Integer

mask: Logical

result: same type as array and a scalar if dim is absent or array is one-dimensional; otherwise, one dimension smaller than array

MERGE Intrinsic Function MERGE(tsource, fsource, mask). Merges two arrays according to conditions in mask. tsource: any type

fsource: same type and shape as tsource

mask: Logical

result: same type and shape as tsource

MINLOC Intrinsic Function MINLOC(array [, dim] [, mask]). Returns the location of the minimum value in an array meeting conditions in (optional) mask along optional dimension dim. array: Integer or Real

dim: Integer

mask: Logical

result: Integer vector whose size is equal to the number of dimensions in array

MINVAL Intrinsic Function MINVAL(array [, dim] [, mask]). Returns the minimum value in an array along (optional) dimension dim that meets conditions in (optional) mask. array: Integer or Real

dim: Integer

mask: Logical

result: same type as array and a scalar if dim is absent or array is one-dimensional; otherwise, one dimension smaller than array

PACK Intrinsic Function PACK(array, mask [,vector]). Packs an array into a vector (one-dimensional array) of (optional) size vector using mask. array: any type

mask: Logical

vector: same as array

result: a vector (one-dimensional array) of the same type as array

PRODUCT Intrinsic Function PRODUCT(array [, dim] [, mask]). Returns product of elements of an array along (optional) dimension dim that meet conditions in (optional) mask. array: Integer, Real or Complex

dim: Integer

mask: Logical

result: same type as array and a scalar if dim is absent or array is one-dimensional; otherwise, one dimension smaller than array

RESHAPE Intrinsic Function RESHAPE(source, shape [, pad]
[, order]). Reshapes an array with subscript order (optional), padded with array elements pad (optional).
source: any type

shape: Integer

pad: same as source

order: Integer

result: same type as source and same shape as shape

SHAPE Intrinsic Function SHAPE(source [, kind]). Returns the shape of an array. source: any type

kind: Integer

result: a vector (one-dimensional array) of the same type as source

SIZE Intrinsic Function SIZE(array [, dim] [, kind]). Returns the extent of array along dimension dim (optional). array: any type

dim: Integer

kind: Integer

result: Integer scalar

SORTQQ Run-time Subroutine CALL SORTQQ(addr, count, size). Sorts a one-dimensional array of non-structure data types (derived types are not allowed). addr: INTEGER(4)

count: INTEGER(4)

size: INTEGER(4)

SPREAD Intrinsic Function SPREAD(source, dim, ncopies). Replicates an array by adding a dimension. source: any type

dim: Integer

ncopies: Integer

result: same type as source and one dimension larger

SUM Intrinsic Function SUM(array [, dim] [, mask]). Sums array elements along dimension dim (optional) that meet conditions of mask (optional). array: Integer, Real or Complex

dim: Integer

mask: Logical

result: same type as array and a scalar if dim is absent or array is one-dimensional; otherwise, one dimension smaller than array

TRANSPOSE Intrinsic Function TRANSPOSE(matrix). Transposes a two-dimensional array. matrix: any type

result: a two-dimensional array the same type as matrix

UBOUND Intrinsic Function UBOUND(array [, dim] [, kind]). Returns upper dimensional bound(s) of an array along dimension dim (optional). array: any type

dim: Integer

kind: Integer

result: same type as array and a scalar if dim is absent or array is one-dimensional; otherwise, a vector.

UNPACK Intrinsic Function UNPACK(vector, mask, field). Unpacks a vector (one-dimensional array) into an array under mask padding with values from field. vector: any type

mask: Logical

field: same as vector

result: same type as vector and same shape as mask