Character Procedures: table

Note: Square brackets [...] denote optional arguments.

Name Procedure Type Description Argument/Function Type
ACHAR Intrinsic Function ACHAR(i). Returns character in position i in the ASCII character set. i: Integer from 0 to 255

result: CHARACTER(1)

ADJUSTL Intrinsic Function ADJUSTL(string). Adjusts left, removing leading blanks and inserting trailing blanks. string: Character*(*)

result: same type as string

ADJUSTR Intrinsic Function ADJUSTR(string). Adjusts right, removing trailing blanks and inserting leading blanks. string: Character*(*)

result: same type as string

CHAR Intrinsic Function CHAR(i [, kind]). Returns character in position i in the processor's character set of (optional) kind. i: Integer

kind: Integer

result: CHARACTER(1) of type kind if present; otherwise, default kind.

IACHAR Intrinsic Function IACHAR(c). Returns the position of c in the ASCII character set. c: CHARACTER(1)

result: Integer

ICHAR Intrinsic Function ICHAR(c). Returns the position of c in the processor's character set. c: CHARACTER(1)

result: Integer

INDEX Intrinsic Function INDEX(string, substring, back ]). Returns the starting position of a substring in a string, leftmost or (optional) rightmost occurance. string: Character*(*)

substring: Character*(*)

back: Logical

result: Integer

LEN Intrinsic Function LEN(string [, kind]). Returns the size of the variable string. string: Character*(*)

kind: Integer

result: Integer of type kind if present; otherwise, default kind.

LEN_TRIM Intrinsic Function LEN_TRIM(string). Returns the number of characters in string, not counting trailing blanks. string: Character*(*)

result: Integer

LGE Intrinsic Function LGE(string_a, string_b). Tests whether string_a is greater than or equal to string_b, based on the ASCII collating sequence; TRUE if equal or string_a is last. string_a: Character*(*)

string_b: Character*(*)

result: Logical

LGT Intrinsic Function LGT(string_a, string_b). Tests whether string_a is greater than string_b, based on the ASCII collating sequence; TRUE if string_a is last. string_a: Character*(*)

string_b: Character*(*)

result: Logical

LLE Intrinsic Function LLE(string_a, string_b). Tests whether string_a is less than or equal to string_b, based on the ASCII collating sequence; TRUE if equal or string_a is first. string_a: Character*(*)

string_b: Character*(*)

result: Logical

LLT Intrinsic Function LLT(string_a, string_b). Tests whether string_a is less than string_b, based on the ASCII collating sequence; TRUE if string_a is first. string_a: Character*(*)

string_b: Character*(*)

result: Logical

REPEAT Intrinsic Function REPEAT(string, ncopies). Concatenates multiple copies of a string. string: Character*(*)

ncopies: Integer

result: Character*(*)

SCAN Intrinsic Function SCAN(string, set [, back]). Scans a string for any characters in a set and returns leftmost or (optional) rightmost position where a match is found. string: Character*(*)

set: Character*(*)

back: Logical

result: Integer

TRIM Intrinsic Function TRIM(string). Removes trailing blanks from a string. string: Character*(*)

result: Character*(*)

VERIFY Intrinsic Function VERIFY(string, set [, back]). Returns the position of the leftmost or (optional) rightmost character in string not in set, or zero if all characters inset are present. string: Character*(*)

set: Character*(*)

back: Logical

result: Integer