COM and Automation Procedures: table

Note: Programs that use COM procedures must access the appropriate libraries with USE DFCOM. Programs that use Automation procedures must access the appropriate libraries with USE DFAUTO. Some procedures also require the USE DFWINTY module.

Component Object Model (COM) Procedures (DFCOM)
Name Procedure Type Description
COMAddObjectReference Function Adds a reference to an object's interface.
COMCLSIDFromProgID Subroutine Passes a programmatic identifier and returns the corresponding class identifier.
COMCLSIDFromString Subroutine Passes a class identifier string and returns the corresponding class identifier.
COMCreateObjectByGUID Subroutine Passes a class identifier, creates an instance of an object, and returns a pointer to the object's interface.
COMCreateObjectByProgID Subroutine Passes a programmatic identifier, creates an instance of an object, and returns a pointer to the object's IDispatch interface.
COMGetActiveObjectByGUID Subroutine Passes a class identifier and returns a pointer to the interface of a currently active object.
COMGetActiveObjectByProgID Subroutine Passes a programmatic identifier and returns a pointer to the IDispatch interface of a currently active object.
COMGetFileObject Subroutine Passes a file name and returns a pointer to the IDispatch interface of an Automation object that can manipulate the file.
COMInitialize Subroutine Initializes the COM library.
COMIsEqualGUID Function Determines whether two GUIDs are the same.
COMQueryInterface Subroutine Passes an interface identifier and returns a pointer to an object's interface.
COMReleaseObject Function Indicates that the program is done with a reference to an object's interface.
COMStringFromGUID Subroutine Passes a GUID and returns a string of printable characters.
COMUninitialize Subroutine Uninitializes the COM library.
Automation Server Procedures (DFAUTO)
Name Procedure Type Description
AUTOAddArg Subroutine Passes an argument name and value and adds the argument to the argument list data structure.
AUTOAllocateInvokeArgs Function Allocates an argument list data structure that holds the arguments to be passed to AUTOInvoke.
AUTODeallocateInvokeArgs Subroutine Deallocates an argument list data structure.
AUTOGetExceptInfo Subroutine Retrieves the exception information when a method has returned an exception status.
AUTOGetProperty Function Passes the name or identifier of the property and gets the value of the Automation object's property.
AUTOGetPropertyByID Function Passes the member ID of the property and gets the value of the Automation object's property into the argument list's first argument.
AUTOGetPropertyInvokeArgs Function Passes an argument list data structure and gets the value of the Automation object's property specified in the argument list's first argument.
AUTOInvoke Function Passes the name or identifier of an object's method and an argument list data structure and invokes the method with the passed arguments.
AUTOSetProperty Function Passes the name or identifier of the property and a value, and sets the value of the Automation object's property.
AUTOSetPropertyByID Function Passes the member ID of the property and sets the value of the Automation object's property, using the argument list's first argument.
AUTOSetPropertyInvokeArgs Function Passes an argument list data structure and sets the value of the Automation object's property specified in the argument list's first argument.

For more information on using these procedures, see Using COM and Automation Objects.