Date and Time Procedures: table

Note: Square brackets [...] denote optional arguments.

Name Procedure Type Description
CPU_TIME Intrinsic Subroutine CALL CPU_TIME (time). Returns the processor time in seconds.
DATE Intrinsic Subroutine CALL DATE (buf). Returns the ASCII representation of the current date (in dd-mmm-yy form).
DATE_AND_TIME Intrinsic Subroutine CALL DATE_AND_TIME([date] [, time] [, zone] [, values]). Returns the date and time.
GETDAT Run-time Subroutine CALL GETDAT (iyr, imon, iday). Returns the date.
GETTIM Run-time Subroutine CALL GETTIM (ihr, imin, isec, i100th). Returns the time.
IDATE Intrinsic Subroutine CALL IDATE (i, j, k). Returns three integer values representing the current month, day, and year.
SETDAT Run-time Function SETDAT (iyr, imon, iday). Sets the date.
SETTIM Run-time Function SETTIM (ihr, imin, isec, i100th). Sets the time.
SYSTEM_CLOCK Intrinsic Subroutine CALL SYSTEM_CLOCK (count, count_rate, count_max). Returns data from the system clock.
TIME Intrinsic Subroutine CALL TIME (buf). Returns the ASCII representation of the current time (in hh:mm:ss form).