Dialog Procedures: table

Note: Programs that use these procedures must access the Dialog library with USE DFLOGM. Square brackets [...] denote optional arguments.

Name Procedure Type Description Argument/Function Type
DLGEXIT Subroutine CALL DLGEXIT(dlg). Closes an open dialog. dlg: DIALOG derived type
DLGFLUSH Subroutine CALL DLGFLUSH(dlg [, flushall]). Updates the display of a dialog box. dlg: DIALOG derived type

flushall: Logical

DLGGET Function DLGGET(dlg, controlid, value [, index]). Retrieves values of dialog control variables. dlg: DIALOG derived type

controlid: Integer

value: Integer, Logical or Character

index: Integer

result: Logical

DLGGETCHAR Function DLGGETCHAR(dlg, controlid, value [, index]). Retrieves values of dialog control variables of type Character. dlg: DIALOG derived type

controlid: Integer

value: Character

index: Integer

result: Logical

DLGGETINT Function DLGGETINT(dlg, controlid, value [, index]). Retrieves values of dialog control variables of type Integer. dlg: DIALOG derived type

controlid: Integer

value: Integer

index: Integer

result: Logical

DLGGETLOG Function DLGGETLOG(dlg, controlid, value [, index]). Retrieves values of dialog control variables of type Logical. dlg: DIALOG derived type

controlid: Integer

value: Logical

index: Integer

result: Logical

DLGINIT Function DLGINIT(dlgid, dlg). Initializes a dialog. dlgid: Integer

dlg: DIALOG derived type

result: Logical

DLGINITWITHRESOURCEHANDLE Function DLGINITWITHRESOURCEHANDLE(dlgid, hinst, dlg). Initializes a dialog. dlgid: Integer

hinst: Integer

dlg: DIALOG derived type

result: Logical

DLGISDLGMESSAGE Function DLGISDLGMESSAGE(mesg). Determines whether a message is intended for a modeless dialog box and, if it is, processes it. mesg: T_MSG derived type

result: Logical

DLGISDLGMESSAGEWITHDLG Function DLGISDLGMESSAGEWITHDLG(mesg, dlg). Determines whether a message is intended for a specific modeless dialog box and, if it is, processes it. mesg: T_MSG derived type

dlg: DIALOG derived type

result: Logical

DLGMODAL Function DLGMODAL(dlg). Displays a dialog and processes dialog selections from user. dlg: DIALOG derived type

result: Integer

DLGMODALWITHPARENT Function DLGMODALWITHPARENT(dlg, hwndParent). Displays a dialog in a specific parent window and processes dialog selections from user. dlg: DIALOG derived type

hwndParent: Integer

result: Integer

DLGMODELESS Function DLGMODELESS(dlg [, nCmdShow, hwndParent]). Displays a modeless dialog box. dlg: DIALOG derived type

nCmdShow: Integer

hwndParent: Integer

result: Logical

DLGSENDCTRLMESSAGE Function DLGSENDCTRLMESSAGE(dlg, controlid, msg, wparam, lparam). Sends a message to a dialog box control. dlg: DIALOG derived type

controlid: Integer

msg: Integer

wparam: Integer

lparam: Integer

result: Integer

DLGSET Function DLGSET(dlg, controlid, value [, index]). Assigns values to dialog control variables. dlg: DIALOG derived type

controlid: Integer

value: Integer, Logical or Character

index: Integer

result: Logical

DLGSETCHAR Function DLGSETCHAR(dlg, controlid, value [, index]). Assigns values to dialog control variables of type Character. dlg: DIALOG derived type

controlid: Integer

value: Character

index: Integer

result: Logical

DLGSETCTRLEVENTHANDLER Function DLGSETCTRLEVENTHANDLER(dlg, controlid, handler, dispid [, iid]). Assigns your own event handlers to ActiveX controls in a dialog box. dlg: DIALOG derived type

controlid: Integer

handler: external procedure name

dispid: Integer

iid: GUID derived type

result: INTEGER(4)

DLGSETINT Function DLGSETINT(dlg, controlid, value [, index]). Assigns values to dialog control variables of type Integer. dlg: DIALOG derived type

controlid: Integer

value: Integer

index: Integer

result: Logical

DLGSETLOG Function DLGSETLOG(dlg, controlid, value [, index]). Assigns values to dialog control variables of type Logical. dlg: DIALOG derived type

controlid: Integer

value: Logical

index: Integer

result: Logical

DLGSETRETURN Subroutine CALL DLGSETRETURN(dlg, retval). Sets the return value for DLGMODAL. dlg: DIALOG derived type

retval: Integer

DLGSETSUB Function DLGSETSUB(dlg, controlid, value [, index]). Assigns procedures (callback routines) to dialog controls. dlg: DIALOG derived type

controlid: Integer

value: external procedure name

index: Integer

result: Logical

DLGSETTITLE Subroutine CALL DLGSETTITLE(dlg, title). Sets the title of a dialog box. dlg: DIALOG derived type

title: Character*(*)

DLGUNINIT Subroutine CALL DLGUNINIT(dlg). Deallocates memory occupied by an initialized dialog. dlg: DIALOG derived type

For more information on using these procedures, see Using Dialogs.