File Management: table

Name Procedure Type Description
DELFILESQQ Run-time Function DELFILESQQ(files). Deletes the specified files in a specified directory.
FINDFILEQQ Run-time Function FINDFILEQQ(filename, varname, pathbuf). Searches for a file in the directories specified in the PATH environment variable.
FULLPATHQQ Run-time Function FULLPATHQQ(name, pathbuf). Returns the full path for a specified file or directory.
GETDRIVEDIRQQ Run-time Function GETDRIVEDIRQQ(drivedir). Returns current drive and directory path.
GETFILEINFOQQ Run-time Function GETFILEINFOQQ(files, buffer, handle). Returns information about files with names that match a request string.
PACKTIMEQQ Run-time Subroutine PACKTIMEQQ(timedate, iyr, imon, iday, ihr, imin, isec). Packs time values for use by SETFILETIMEQQ.
RENAMEFILEQQ Run-time Function RENAMEFILEQQ(oldname, newname). Renames a file.
SETFILEACCESSQQ Run-time Function SETFILEACCESSQQ(filename, access). Sets file-access mode for the specified file.
SETFILETIMEQQ Run-time Function SETFILETIMEQQ(filename, timedate). Sets modification time for a given file.
SPLITPATHQQ Run-time Function SPLITPATHQQ(path, drive, dir, name, ext). Breaks a full path into four components.
TRACEBACKQQ Run-time Subroutine TRACEBACKQQ(string, user_exit_code, status, expr). Generates a stack trace.
UNPACKTIMEQQ Run-time Subroutine UNPACKTIMEQQ(timedate, iyr, imon, iday, ihr, imin, isec). Unpacks a file's packed time and date value into its component parts.