Graphics Procedures: table

Note: Programs that use these procedures must access the appropriate library with USE DFLIB.

Name Procedure Type Description
ARC, ARC_W Functions Draws an arc.
CLEARSCREEN Subroutine Clears the screen, viewport, or text window.
DISPLAYCURSOR Function Turns the cursor off and on.
ELLIPSE, ELLIPSE_W Functions Draws an ellipse or circle.
FLOODFILL, FLOODFILL_W Functions Fills an enclosed area of the screen with the current color index, using the current fill mask.
FLOODFILLRGB, FLOODFILLRGB_W Functions Fills an enclosed area of the screen with the current RGB color, using the current fill mask.
GETARCINFO Function Determines the end points of the most recently drawn arc or pie.
GETBKCOLOR Function Returns the current background color index.
GETBKCOLORRGB Function Returns the current background RGB color.
GETCOLOR Function Returns the current color index.
GETCOLORRGB Function Returns the current RGB color.
GETCURRENTPOSITION, GETCURRENTPOSITION_W Subroutines Returns the coordinates of the current graphics-output position.
GETFILLMASK Subroutine Returns the current fill mask.
GETFONTINFO Function Returns the current font characteristics.
GETGTEXTEXTENT Function Determines the width of the specified text in the current font.
GETGTEXTROTATION Function Get the current text rotation angle.
GETIMAGE, GETIMAGE_W Subroutines Stores a screen image in memory.
GETLINESTYLE Function Returns the current line style.
GETPHYSCOORD Subroutine Converts viewport coordinates to physical coordinates.
GETPIXEL, GETPIXEL_W Functions Returns a pixel's color index.
GETPIXELRGB, GETPIXELRGB_W Functions Returns a pixel's RGB color.
GETPIXELS Function Returns the color indices of multiple pixels.
GETPIXELSRGB Function Returns the RGB colors of multiple pixels.
GETTEXTCOLOR Function Returns the current text color index.
GETTEXTCOLORRGB Function Returns the current text RGB color.
GETTEXTPOSITION Subroutine Returns the current text-output position.
GETTEXTWINDOW Subroutine Returns the boundaries of the current text window.
GETVIEWCOORD, GETVIEWCOORD_W Subroutines Converts physical or window coordinates to viewport coordinates.
GETWINDOWCOORD Subroutine Converts viewport coordinates to window coordinates.
GETWRITEMODE Function Returns the logical write mode for lines.
GRSTATUS Function Returns the status (success or failure) of the most recently called graphics routine.
IMAGESIZE, IMAGESIZE_W Functions Returns image size in bytes.
INITIALIZEFONTS Function Initializes the font library.
LINETO, LINETO_W Functions Draws a line from the current position to a specified point.
LINETOAR Function Draws a line between points in one array and corresponding points in another array.
LINETOAREX Function Similar to LINETOAR, but also lets you specify color and line style.
LOADIMAGE, LOADIMAGE_W Functions Reads a Windows bitmap file (.BMP) and displays it at the specified location.
MOVETO, MOVETO_W Subroutines Moves the current position to the specified point.
OUTGTEXT Subroutine Sends text in the current font to the screen at the current position.
OUTTEXT Subroutine Sends text to the screen at the current position.
PIE, PIE_W Functions Draws a pie slice.
POLYBEZIER, POLYBEZIER_W Functions Draws one or more Bezier curves.
POLYBEZIERTO, POLYBEZIERTO_W Functions Draws one or more Bezier curves.
POLYGON, POLYGON_W Functions Draws a polygon.
POLYLINEQQ Function Draws a line between successive points in an array.
PUTIMAGE, PUTIMAGE_W Subroutines Retrieves an image from memory and displays it.
RECTANGLE, RECTANGLE_W Functions Draws a rectangle.
REMAPALLPALETTERGB Function Remaps a set of RGB color values to indices recognized by the current video configuration.
REMAPPALETTERGB Function Remaps a single RGB color value to a color index.
SAVEIMAGE, SAVEIMAGE_W Functions Captures a screen image and saves it as a Windows bitmap file.
SCROLLTEXTWINDOW Subroutine Scrolls the contents of a text window.
SETBKCOLOR Function Sets the current background color.
SETBKCOLORRGB Function Sets the current background color to a direct color value rather than an index to a defined palette.
SETCLIPRGN Subroutine Limits graphics output to a part of the screen.
SETCOLOR Function Sets the current color to a new color index.
SETCOLORRGB Function Sets the current color to a direct color value rather than an index to a defined palette.
SETFILLMASK Subroutine Changes the current fill mask to a new pattern.
SETFONT Function Finds a single font matching the specified characteristics and assigns it to OUTGTEXT.
SETGTEXTROTATION Subroutine Sets the direction in which text is written to the specified angle.
SETLINESTYLE Subroutine Changes the current line style.
SETMOUSECURSOR Function Sets the mouse cursor for the window in focus.
SETPIXEL, SETPIXEL_W Functions Sets color of a pixel at a specified location.
SETPIXELRGB, SETPIXELRGB_W Functions Sets RGB color of a pixel at a specified location.
SETPIXELS Subroutine Sets the color indices of multiple pixels.
SETPIXELSRGB Subroutine Sets the RGB color of multiple pixels.
SETTEXTCOLOR Function Sets the current text color to a new color index.
SETTEXTCOLORRGB Function Sets the current text color to a direct color value rather than an index to a defined palette.
SETTEXTCURSOR Function Sets the height and width of the text cursor for the window in focus.
SETTEXTPOSITION Subroutine Changes the current text position.
SETTEXTWINDOW Subroutine Sets the current text display window.
SETVIEWORG Subroutine Positions the viewport coordinate origin.
SETVIEWPORT Subroutine Defines the size and screen position of the viewport.
SETWINDOW Function Defines the window coordinate system.
SETWRITEMODE Function Changes the current logical write mode for lines.
WRAPON Function Turns line wrapping on or off.

For more information on using these procedures, see Using QuickWin.