Input/Output Procedures: table

Name Procedure Type Description
ACCEPT Statement Similar to a formatted, sequential READ statement.
BACKSPACE Statement Positions a file to the beginning of the previous record.
CLOSE Statement Disconnects the specified unit.
DELETE Statement Deletes a record from a relative file.
ENDFILE Statement Writes an end-of-file record or truncates a file.
EOF Intrinsic Function EOF(unit). Checks for end-of-file record. .TRUE. if at or past end-of-file.
INQUIRE Statement Returns the properties of a file or unit.
OPEN Statement Associates a unit number with an external device or file.
PRINT (or TYPE) Statement Displays data on the screen.
READ Statement Transfers data from a file to the items in an I/O list.
REWIND Statement Repositions a file to its first record.
REWRITE Statement Rewrites the current record.
UNLOCK Statement Frees a record in a relative or sequential file that was locked by a previous READ statement.
WRITE Statement Transfers data from the items in an I/O list to a file