General Compiler Directives: table

Note: Each directive name is preceded by the prefix cDEC$; for example, cDEC$ ALIAS. The c can be a c, C, !, or *.

Name Description
ALIAS Specifies an alternate external name to be used when referring to external subprograms.
ATTRIBUTES Applies attributes to variables and procedures.
DECLARE Generates warning messages for undeclared variables.
DEFINE Creates a variable whose existence can be tested during conditional compilation.
ELSE Marks the beginning of an alternative conditional-compilation block to an IF directive construct.
ELSEIF Marks the beginning of an alternative conditional-compilation block to an IF directive construct.
ENDIF Marks the end of a conditional-compilation block.
FIXEDFORMLINESIZE Sets fixed-form line length. This directive has no effect on freeform code.
FREEFORM Uses freeform format for source code.
IDENT Specifies an identifier for an object module.
IF Marks the beginning of a conditional-compilation block.
IF DEFINED Marks the beginning of a conditional-compilation block.
INTEGER Selects default integer size.
IVDEP Assists the compiler's dependence analysis.
MESSAGE Sends a character string to the standard output device.
NODECLARE (Default) Turns off warning messages for undeclared variables.
NOFREEFORM (Default) Uses standard FORTRAN 77 code formatting column rules.
NOSTRICT (Default) Disables a previous STRICT directive.
OBJCOMMENT Specifies a library search path in an object file.
OPTIONS Controls whether fields in records and data items in common blocks are naturally aligned or packed on arbitrary byte boundaries.
PACK Specifies the memory starting addresses of derived-type items.
PSECT Modifies certain characteristics of a common block.
REAL Selects default real size.
STRICT Disables Visual Fortran features not in the Fortran 90 Standard.
SUBTITLE Prints the specified subtitle on subsequent pages of the source listing.
TITLE Prints the specified title on subsequent pages of the source listing.
UNDEFINE Removes a symbolic variable name created with the DEFINE directive.
UNROLL Tells the compiler's optimizer how many times to unroll a DO loop.

For more information on using these directives, see General Compiler Directives.