PDO (TU*X only)

Compaq Fortran Parallel Compiler Directive: Specifies that the iterations of the immediately following DO loop must be executed in parallel.


c$PAR PDO [option[[,] option] ...]

Is one of the following: C (or c), !, or * (see Syntax Rules for Parallel Directives).

Is one of the following:

Is a Compaq Fortran DO construct with loop control. It cannot be a DO WHILE or a DO loop without loop control. The DO loop iteration variable must be of type integer.

The iterations of the DO loop are distributed across the already existing threads.

Rules and Behavior

Specifying NOWAIT is the same as specifying NOWAIT in an OpenMP Fortran API DO directive.

PDO directives are permitted only within the lexical extent of the PARALLEL and END PARALLEL directives.

For more information about rules and restrictions, see your user manual.

See Also: Parallel Directives for Tru64 UNIX Systems, Compaq Fortran Parallel Compiler Directives (TU*X only), OpenMP Fortran API Compiler Directives (TU*X only)