Program Unit Calls and Definitions: table

All the following are statements:

Name Description
BLOCK DATA Identifies a block-data subprogram
CALL Executes a subroutine
COMMON Delineates variables shared between program units
CONTAINS Identifies start of a module within a host module
ENTRY Specifies a secondary entry point to a subroutine or external function
EXTERNAL Declares a user-defined subroutine or function to be passable as an argument
FUNCTION Identifies a program unit as a function
INCLUDE Inserts the contents of a specified file into the source file
INTERFACE Specifies an explicit interface for external functions and subroutines
INTRINSIC Declares a predefined function
MODULE Identifies a module program unit
PROGRAM Identifies a program unit as a main program
RETURN Returns control to the program unit that called a subroutine or function
SUBROUTINE Identifies a program unit as a subroutine
USE Gives a program unit access to a module