QuickWin Procedures: table

Note: Programs that use these procedures must access the appropriate library with USE DFLIB.

Name Procedure Type Description
ABOUTBOXQQ Function Adds an About Box with customized text.
APPENDMENUQQ Function Appends a menu item.
CLICKMENUQQ Function Sends menu click messages to the application window.
DELETEMENUQQ Function Deletes a menu item.
FOCUSQQ Function Makes a child window active, and gives focus to the child window.
GETACTIVEQQ Function Gets the unit number of the active child window.
GETHWNDQQ Function Gets the true windows handle from window with the specified unit number.
GETWINDOWCONFIG Function Returns the current window's properties.
GETWSIZEQQ Function Gets the size of the child or frame window.
GETUNITQQ Function Gets the unit number corresponding to the specified windows handle. Inverse of GETHWNDQQ.
INCHARQQ Function Reads a keyboard input and return its ASCII value.
INITIALSETTINGS Function Controls initial menu settings and initial frame window settings.
INQFOCUSQQ Function Determines which window is active and has the focus.
INSERTMENUQQ Function Inserts a menu item.
INTEGERTORGB Subroutine Converts a true color value into its red, green and blue components.
MESSAGEBOXQQ Function Displays a message box.
MODIFYMENUFLAGSQQ Function Modifies a menu item state.
MODIFYMENUROUTINEQQ Function Modifies a menu item's callback routine.
MODIFYMENUSTRINGQQ Function Changes a menu item's text string.
PASSDIRKEYSQQ Function Determines the behavior of direction and page keys.
REGISTERMOUSEEVENT Function Registers the application-defined routines to be called on mouse events.
RGBTOINTEGER Function Converts a trio of red, green and blue values to a true color value for use with RGB functions and subroutines.
SETACTIVEQQ Function Makes the specified window the current active window without giving it the focus.
SETMESSAGEQQ Subroutine Changes any QuickWin message, including status bar messages, state messages and dialog box messages.
SETWINDOWCONFIG Function Configures the current window's properties.
SETWINDOWMENUQQ Function Sets the Window menu to which current child window names will be appended.
SETWSIZEQQ Function Sets the size of the child or frame window.
UNREGISTERMOUSEEVENT Function Removes the callback routine registered by REGISTERMOUSEEVENT.
WAITONMOUSEEVENT Function Blocks return until a mouse event occurs.

For more information on using these procedures, see Using QuickWin.