Serial Port Procedures: table

Note: Programs that use SPORT_nnnn procedures must access the appropriate libraries with USE DFLIB. The following are all functions.

Name Description
SPORT_CONNECT Establishes the connection to a serial port.
SPORT_RELEASE Releases a serial port that has previously been connected.
SPORT_GET_HANDLE Returns the Win32 handle associated with the communications port.
SPORT_GET_STATE Returns the baud rate, parity, data bits and stop bit settings of the communications port.
SPORT_SET_STATE Sets the baud rate, parity, data bits and stop bit settings of the communications port.
SPORT_SHOW_STAT Displays the state of a port.
SPORT_GET_TIMEOUTS Returns the user selectable timeouts for the serial port.
SPORT_SET_TIMEOUTS Sets the user selectable timeouts for the serial port.
SPORT_SPECIAL_FUNC Executes a communications function on a specified port.
SPORT_WRITE_DATA Outputs data to a specified port.
SPORT_WRITE_LINE Outputs data to a specified port and follows it with a record terminator.
SPORT_READ_DATA Reads available data from the port specified.
SPORT_READ_LINE Reads a record from the port specified.
SPORT_PEEK_DATA Returns information about the availability of input data.
SPORT_PEEK_LINE Returns information about the availability of input records.
SPORT_PURGE Executes a purge function on the specified port.
SPORT_CANCEL_IO Cancels any I/O in progress to the specified port.

For more information on using these procedures, see Using the Serial I/O Port Routines, and and Communications, and Communications Functions in the Win32 SDK