System, Drive, and Directory Procedures: table

All the following are run-time functions:

Name Description
CHANGEDIRQQ CHANGEDIRQQ(dir). Makes the specified directory the current (default) directory.
CHANGEDRIVEQQ CHANGEDRIVEQQ(drive). Makes the specified drive the current drive.
DELDIRQQ DELDIRQQ(dir). Deletes a specified directory.
GETDRIVEDIRQQ GETDRIVEDIRQQ(drivedir). Returns the current drive and directory path.
GETDRIVESIZEQQ GETDRIVESIZEQQ(drive, total, avail). Gets the size of the specified drive.
GETDRIVESQQ GETDRIVESQQ( ). Reports the drives available to the system.
GETENVQQ GETENVQQ(varname, value). Gets a value from the current environment.
MAKEDIRQQ MAKEDIRQQ(dirname). Makes a directory with the specified directory name.
RUNQQ RUNQQ(filename, commandline). Calls another program and waits for it to execute
SETENVQQ SETENVQQ(varvalue). Adds a new environment variable, or sets the value of an existing one.
SYSTEMQQ SYSTEMQQ(commandline). Executes a command by passing a command string to the operating system's command interpretor.