The IMSL Routines and CXML Routines Online PDF Documentation

Visual Fortran provides a full set of Intrinsic Procedures, statements, and other elements of the Fortran 95/90 language.

Visual Fortran provides specialized routines, such as routines for graphics. The Visual Fortran intrinsic procedures, statements, and routines are described in the Visual Fortran online Language Reference, especially in the A to Z Reference section.

In addition, Visual Fortran also provides additional routines, including the following:

The online reference documentation for the IMSL and CXML routines are provided in Adobe® Acrobat® PDF file format. To view this documentation, you must install the Acrobat Reader, Version 3.01 or later. You can download the most recent version of Adobe Acrobat Reader from or use the version provided on the Visual Fortran CD-ROM (see Compaq Visual Fortran Installing and Getting Started).

The following chapters in the online Visual Fortran Programmer's Guide provide general information about using the IMSL and CXML routines from Visual Fortran applications:

The following directories contain Adobe Acrobat PDF files that provide detailed information on the routines:

If you choose not to install these PDF files, you can open (or copy) them from the Visual Fortran CD-ROM.

The online file Cvf_gs.pdf in the root directory of the Visual Fortran CD-ROM contains the Compaq Visual Fortran Installing and Getting Started.