Glossary K

On OpenVMS systems, a value in a file of indexed organization that the system uses to build indexes into the file. Each key is identified by its location within the component, its length, and its data type. Also called the key field. See also alternate key, index, and primary key.
keyed access
On OpenVMS systems, a method for retrieving or writing data in which the data (a record) is identified by specifying the information in a key field of the record. See also key.
key of reference
On OpenVMS systems, a key used to determine the index to use when sequentially accessing components of an indexed file. See also key, indexed file organization, and sequential access.
(1) Part of the syntax of a statement (syntax keyword). These keywords are not reserved. (2) A dummy argument name.
kind type parameter
Indicates the range of an intrinsic data type. For real and complex types, it also indicates precision. If a specific kind type parameter is not specified (for example, INTEGER), the kind type is the default for that type (for example, default integer). See also default character, default complex, default integer, default logical, and default real.