Glossary R

random access
See direct access.
The number of dimensions of an array. A scalar has a rank of zero.
rank-one object
A data structure comprising scalar elements with the same data type and organized as a simple linear sequence. See also scalar.
real constant
A constant that is a number written with a decimal point, exponent, or both. It can have single precision (REAL(4)) or double precision (REAL(8)). On OpenVMS, Tru64 UNIX, and Linux systems, it can also have quad precision (REAL(16)).
Can be either of the following:
record access
The method used to store and retrieve records in a file.
record structure declaration
A block of statements that define the fields in a record. The block begins with a STRUCTURE statement and ends with END STRUCTURE. The name of the structure must be specified in a RECORD statement.
record type
The property that determines whether records in a file are all the same length, of varying length, or use other conventions to define where one record ends and another begins.
Pertains to a subroutine or function that directly or indirectly references itself.
Can be any of the following:
relational expression
An expression containing one relational operator and two operands of numeric or character type. The result is a value that is true or false. For example, A-C .GE. B+2 or DAY .EQ. 'MONDAY'.
relational operator
The symbols used to express a relational condition or expression. The relational operators are (.EQ., .NE., .LT., .LE., .GT., and .GE.).
relative file organization
A file organization that consists of a series of component positions, called cells, numbered consecutively from 1 to n. Compaq Fortran uses these numbered, fixed-length cells to calculate the component's physical position in the file.
relative pathname
On Tru64 UNIX, Linux, and Windows systems, a directory path expressed in relation to any directory other than the root directory. Contrast with absolute pathname.
On Windows systems, the top-level directory on a disk drive; it is represented by a backslash (\). For example, C:\ is the root directory for drive C.

On Tru64 UNIX and Linux systems, the top-level directory in the file system; it is represented by a slash (/).
run time
The time during which a computer executes the statements of a program.