The CARRIAGECONTROL specifier indicates the type of carriage control used when a file is displayed at a terminal. It takes the following form:


Is a scalar default character expression that evaluates to one of the following values:

'FORTRAN'   Indicates normal Fortran interpretation of the first character. 
'LIST'   Indicates one line feed between records. 
'NONE'  Indicates no carriage control processing. 

The default for binary (WNT, W9*) and unformatted files is 'NONE'. The default for formatted files is 'LIST'. However, if you specify /vms or /fpscomp:general, and the unit is connected to a terminal, the default is 'FORTRAN'.

On output, if a file was opened with CARRIAGECONTROL='FORTRAN' in effect or the file was processed by the fortpr format utility, the first character of a record transmitted to a line printer or terminal is typically a character that is not printed, but is used to control vertical spacing.

For More Information:

For details on valid control characters for printing, see Printing of Formatted Records.