COMPLEX(16) Constants (VMS, U*X)

A COMPLEX(16) constant is a pair of constants that represents a complex number. One of the pair must be a REAL(16) constant, the other can be an integer, single-precision real, or double-precision real constant.

A COMPLEX(16) constant occupies 32 bytes of memory and is interpreted as a complex number.

The rules for REAL(16) constants apply to REAL(16) constants used in COMPLEX constants. (See General Rules for Complex Constants and REAL(16) Constants for the rules on forming REAL(16) constants.)

The REAL(16) constants in a COMPLEX constant have one of the following formats:


The following examples demonstrate valid and invalid COMPLEX(16) constants:

Invalid  Explanation 
(1.23Q0,)   Second constant missing. 
(1D1,2H12)   Hollerith constants not allowed. 
(1.7039E0,-1.7039D0)   Neither constant is REAL(16); this is a valid double-precision constant. 

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