Rules for Formatted Indexed READ Statements (VMS only)

Formatted, indexed READ statements translate data from character to binary form by using format specifications for editing (if any). The translated data is assigned to the entities in the I/O list in the order in which the entities appear, from left to right.

If the I/O list and format specifications indicate that additional records are to be read, the statement reads the additional records sequentially by using the current key-of-reference value.

If KEYID is omitted, the key-of-reference value is the same as the most recent specification. If KEYID is omitted from the first indexed READ statement, the key of reference is the primary key.

If the specified key value is shorter than the key field referenced, the key value is matched against the leftmost characters of the appropriate key field until a match is found. The record supplying the match is then read. If the key value is longer than the key field referenced, an error occurs.

If the file is connected for unformatted I/O, formatted data transfer is prohibited.


Suppose the following statement is specified:

  READ (3, KAT(25), KEY='ABCD') A,B,C,D

The READ statement retrieves a record with a key value of 'ABCD' in the primary key from the file connected to I/O unit 3. It then uses the format contained in the array item KAT(25) to read the first four fields from the record into variables A,B,C, and D.