File Operation I/O Statements (WNT, W9*, U*X)

The following are file connection, inquiry, and positioning I/O statements on Windows, Tru64 UNIX, and Linux Systems:

The following table summarizes I/O statement specifiers:

I/O Specifiers
Specifier Values Description Used with:
ACCESS=access 'SEQUENTIAL', 'DIRECT', or 'APPEND' Specifies the method of file access. INQUIRE, OPEN
ACTION=permission 'READ', 'WRITE' or 'READWRITE' (default is 'READWRITE') Specifies file I/O mode. INQUIRE, OPEN
ADVANCE=c-expr 'NO' or 'YES' (default is 'YES') Specifies formatted sequential data input as advancing, or non-advancing. READ
ASSOCIATEVARIABLE=var Integer variable Specifies a variable to be updated to reflect the record number of the next sequential record in the file. OPEN
BINARY=bin 'NO' or 'YES' Returns whether file format is binary. INQUIRE
BLANK=blank_control 'NULL' or 'ZERO' (default is 'NULL') Specifies whether blanks are ignored in numeric fields or interpreted as zeros. INQUIRE, OPEN
BLOCKSIZE=blocksize Positive integer variable or expression Specifies or returns the internal buffer size used in I/O. INQUIRE, OPEN
BUFFERCOUNT=bc Numeric expression Specifies the number of buffers to be associated with the unit for multibuffered I/O. OPEN
BUFFERED=bf 'YES' or 'NO' (default is 'NO') Specifies run-time library behavior following WRITE operations. INQUIRE, OPEN
CARRIAGECONTROL= control 'FORTRAN', 'LIST', or 'NONE' Specifies carriage control processing. INQUIRE, OPEN
CONVERT=form 'LITTLE_ENDIAN', 'BIG_ENDIAN', 'CRAY', 'FDX', 'FGX', 'IBM', 'VAXD', 'VAXG', or 'NATIVE' (default is 'NATIVE') Specifies a numeric format for unformatted data. INQUIRE, OPEN
DEFAULTFILE=var Character expression Specifies a default file pathname string. INQUIRE, OPEN
DELIM=delimiter 'APOSTROPHE', 'QUOTE' or 'NONE' (default is 'NONE') Specifies the delimiting character for list-directed or namelist data. INQUIRE, OPEN
DIRECT=dir 'NO' or 'YES' Returns whether file is connected for direct access. INQUIRE
DISPOSE=dis (or DISP=dis) 'KEEP', 'SAVE', 'DELETE', 'PRINT', 'PRINT/DELETE', 'SUBMIT', or 'SUBMIT/DELETE' (default is 'DELETE' for scratch files; 'KEEP' for all other files) Specifies the status of a file after the unit is closed. OPEN, CLOSE
formatlist Character variable or expression Lists edit descriptors. Used in FORMAT statements and format specifiers (the FMT=formatspec option) to describe the format of data. FORMAT, PRINT, READ, WRITE
END=endlabel Integer between 1 and 99999 When an end of file is encountered, transfers control to the statement whose label is specified. READ
EOR=eorlabel Integer between 1 and 99999 When an end of record is encountered, transfers to the statement whose label is specified. READ
ERR=errlabel Integer between 1 and 99999 Specifies the label of an executable statement where execution is transferred after an I/O error. All except PRINT
EXIST=ex .TRUE. or .FALSE. Returns whether a file exists and can be opened. INQUIRE
FILE=file (or NAME=name) Character variable or expression. Length and format of the name are determined by the operating system Specifies the name of a file INQUIRE, OPEN
[FMT=]formatspec Character variable or expression Specifies an editlist to use to format data. PRINT, READ, WRITE
FORM=form 'FORMATTED', 'UNFORMATTED', or 'BINARY' Specifies a file's format. INQUIRE, OPEN
FORMATTED=fmt 'NO' or 'YES' Returns whether a file is connected for formatted data transfer. INQUIRE
IOFOCUS=iof .TRUE. or .FALSE. (default is .TRUE. unless unit '*' is specified) Specifies whether a unit is the active window in a QuickWin application. INQUIRE, OPEN
iolist List of variables of any type, character expression, or NAMELIST Specifies items to be input or output. PRINT, READ, WRITE
IOSTAT=iostat Integer variable Specifies a variable whose value indicates whether an I/O error has occurred. All except PRINT
MAXREC=var Numeric expression Specifies the maximum number of records that can be transferred to or from a direct access file. OPEN
MODE=permission 'READ', 'WRITE' or 'READWRITE' (default is 'READWRITE') Same as ACTION. INQUIRE, OPEN
NAMED=var .TRUE. or .FALSE. Returns whether a file is named. INQUIRE
NEXTREC=nr Integer variable Returns where the next record can be read or written in a file. INQUIRE
[NML=]nmlspec Namelist name Specifies a namelist group to be input or output. PRINT, READ, WRITE
NUMBER=num Integer variable Returns the number of the unit connected to a file. INQUIRE
OPENED=od .TRUE. or .FALSE. Returns whether a file is connected. INQUIRE
ORGANIZATION=org 'SEQUENTIAL' or 'RELATIVE' (default is 'SEQUENTIAL') Specifies the internal organization of a file. INQUIRE, OPEN
PAD=pad_switch 'YES' or 'NO' (default is 'YES') Specifies whether an input record is padded with blanks when the input list or format requires more data than the record holds, or whether the input record is required to contain the data indicated. INQUIRE, OPEN
POSITION=file_pos 'ASIS', 'REWIND' or 'APPEND' (default is 'ASIS') Specifies position in a file. INQUIRE, OPEN
READ=rd 'NO' or 'YES' Returns whether a file can be read. INQUIRE
READONLY   Specifies that only READ statements can refer to this connection. OPEN
READWRITE=rdwr 'NO' or 'YES' Returns whether a file can be both read and written to. INQUIRE
REC=rec Positive integer variable or expression Specifies the first (or only) record of a file to be read from, or written to. READ, WRITE
RECL=length (or RECORDSIZE=length) Positive integer variable or expression Specifies the record length in direct access files, or the maximum record length in sequential files. INQUIRE, OPEN
RECORDTYPE=typ 'FIXED', 'VARIABLE', 'SEGMENTED', 'STREAM', 'STREAM_LF', or 'STREAM_CR' Specifies the type of records in a file. INQUIRE, OPEN
SEQUENTIAL=seq 'NO' or 'YES' Returns whether file is connected for sequential access. INQUIRE
SHARE=share 'COMPAT', 'DENYNONE', 'DENYWR', 'DENYRD', or 'DENYRW' (default is 'DENYNONE') Controls how other processes can simultaneously access a file on networked systems. INQUIRE, OPEN
SHARED   Specifies that a file is connected for shared access by more than one program executing simultaneously. OPEN
SIZE=size Integer variable Returns the number of characters read in a nonadvancing READ before an end-of-record condition occurred. READ
STATUS=status 'OLD', 'NEW', 'UNKNOWN' or 'SCRATCH' (default is 'UNKNOWN') Specifies the status of a file on opening and/or closing. CLOSE, OPEN
TITLE=name Character expression Specifies the name of a child window in a QuickWin application. OPEN
UNFORMATTED=unf 'NO' or 'YES' Returns whether a file is connected for unformatted data transfer. INQUIRE
[UNIT=]unitspec Integer variable or expression Specifies the unit to which a file is connected. All except PRINT
USEROPEN=fname Name of a user-written function Specifies an external function that controls the opening of a file. OPEN
WRITE=rd 'NO' or 'YES' Returns whether a file can be written to. INQUIRE

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