IOFOCUS Specifier (WNT, W9*)

The IOFOCUS specifier indicates whether a particular unit is the active window in a QuickWin application. It takes the following form:


Is a scalar default logical expression that evaluates to one of the following values:

.TRUE.  Indicates the QuickWin child window is the active window 
.FALSE.  Indicates the QuickWin child window is not the active window 

If unit '*' is specified, the default is .FALSE.; otherwise, the default is .TRUE..

A value of .TRUE. causes a call to FOCUSQQ immediately before any READ, WRITE, or PRINT statement to that window. OUTTEXT, OUTGTEXT, or any other graphics routine call does not cause the focus to shift.

For More Information:

See Giving a Window Focus and Setting the Active Window in Using QuickWin in the Programmer's Guide.