Parallel Threads Routines for Compatibility (TU*X)

The following table summarizes the equivalent parallel thread routines you can use for compatibility with existing programs. For new programs, you should use the OpenMP Fortran API Run-Time Library Routines.

For most of the routines, two spellings are shown: an _Otsxxxx form and an mpc_xxxx form. These routine names are equivalent; for example, calling _OtsGetNumThreads is the same as calling mpc_numthreads.

Summary of Parallel Routines for Compatibility (TU*X)

Name  Description 
_OtsInitParallel   Equivalent to the c$OMP PARALLEL directive, which defines the start of a parallel region.  
Equivalent to the c$OMP PARALLEL directive, which defines the end of a parallel region. 
Equivalent to omp_get_num_threads. Gets the number of threads currently in the team executing the parallel region from which the routine is called. 
Equivalent to omp_get_max_threads. Gets the maximum value that can be returned by calls to the _OtsGetNumThreads( ) function. 
Equivalent to omp_get_thread_num. Gets the thread number, within the team, in the range from zero to _OtsGetNumThreads( ) minus one. 
Equivalent to omp_in_parallel. Informs whether or not a region is executing in parallel.