Hexadecimal-Binary-Octal-Decimal Conversions

The following table lists hexadecimal, binary, octal, and decimal conversion:

Hexadecimal, Binary, Octal, and Decimal Conversion

Hex Number Binary Number Octal Number Decimal Number
0 0000 00 0
1 0001 01 1
2 0010 02 2
3 0011 03 3
4 0100 04 4
5 0101 05 5
6 0110 06 6
7 0111 07 7
8 1000 10 8
9 1001 11 9
A 1010 12 10
B 1011 13 11
C 1100 14 12
D 1101 15 13
E 1110 16 14
F 1111 17 15