Advantages of a COM Server

A COM server consists of the implementation of one or more object classes. An object class is a type that describes the complete public calling interface ("signature") of an object. It describes the functionality that you want to make available to the users of the object. The COM server creates instances of the class, called objects, at the request of clients.

Some of the advantages of implementing your Fortran code as a COM server include:

Visual Fortran provides the Fortran COM Server Wizard. The wizard generates the Fortran code necessary to implement a COM server, and allows you to concentrate on the code that is specific to the functionality that your server provides to its clients.

As explained in Overview of COM and Automation Objects, COM supports two types of servers: COM servers and Automation servers. The Fortran COM Server Wizard can only create a COM server or a server that supports dual interfaces. The wizard cannot create an Automation-only interface.

For more information about creating COM servers using Visual Fortran, see What You Need to Do and What the COM Server Wizard Will Do.