Deploying the Server on Another System

When you have finished developing the COM server, you may want to deploy it on another system. Besides the server itself, you need to install the Fortran run-time DLLs and register the server:

  1. Install (or copy) the COM server to an appropriate directory.

  2. Register the server:

  3. Use the VFRUN tool to install the necessary run-time DLLs and related files. The VFRUN tool provides the run-time redistributable files for Visual Fortran applications, in the form of a self-installing kit. VFRUN is described in the Compaq Visual Fortran Installing and Getting Started and in the release notes. You can download the run-time redistributable files VFRUN kit from the Visual Fortran Web page (click Downloads area):

If you are using MIDL-based Marshalling or Custom Marshalling, then the marshalling DLL also needs to be installed and registered. For information on marshalling, see Marshalling, Proxies and Stubs in Advanced COM Server Topics.