Creating Fortran DLLs

A dynamic-link library (DLL) contains one or more subprogram procedures (functions or subroutines) that are compiled, linked, and stored separately from the applications using them. Because the functions or subroutines are separate from the applications using them, they can be shared or replaced easily.

Like a static library, a DLL is an executable file. Unlike a static library where routines are included in the base executable image during linking, the routines in a DLL are loaded when an application that references that DLL is loaded (run time). A DLL can also be used as a place to share data across processes.

The advantages of DLLs include:

To build a DLL in the visual development environment, specify the Fortran Dynamic-Link Library project type. On the command line, specify the /dll option.

You cannot make a QuickWin application into a DLL (see Using QuickWin) and QuickWin applications cannot be used with Fortran run-time routines in a DLL.

This section describes the following aspects of creating Fortran DLLs: