Using the Compaq Extended Math Library (CXML)

The Compaq Extended Math Library (CXML, formerly DXML) provides a comprehensive set of mathematical library routines intended to be called from Fortran. CXML contains a set of over 1500 high-performance mathematical subprograms designed for use in many different types of scientific and engineering applications.

CXML subprograms are easily accessible from the Microsoft visual development environment or the command line interface. They are installed with Visual Fortran, using the "Custom" installation option, as described in "Using Setup to Install Visual Fortran and Related Software" in Compaq Visual Fortran Installing and Getting Started.

When you install CXML, you should also install the CXML online documentation, which enables you to quickly find details on the purpose and use of any library routine. You should also view the CXML readme file provided in the Compaq Visual Fortran program folder.

You can access CXML topics in the Compaq Extended Math Library Reference Guide (PDF version) through Adobe Acrobat. Click on any of the topics to see a submenu of items grouped by subject. For example, to view a description of each routine:

  1. Click the topic "CXML Subprogram Reference"
  2. Click a category name
  3. Click a routine name

Further information about CXML is provided in the following sections: